6. | pumpkin sweets and free plants

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She met Newt on the other side of the fireplaces lined up row by row. Surprisingly, they had no grime in them at all and she looked everywhere, extremely confused. He didn't seem surprised at all, he just looked amused at her curious expression.

Usually judging looks irritated her but for a strange reason, Newt's didn't. He never really made her care about anything, and she felt comfortable around him. He was a person with a purer heart than anyone else she knew. Of course she felt she was a good person as well, but she decided that she was willing to make sacrifices quickly, whether that was a good thing or not. If Newt had to face it, she didn't know whether he could adapt to change or to be mean and cold hearted.

She wiped away her random thoughts and darted her eyes all over her surroundings.

The bustling people around them were covered in ashes on their nose, their robes, their hats. They were the only clean ones. "We are very concerned with the state of our chimney, it's impeccable. When you travel by floo powder, you don't get dirty."

Addison was amazed by such an incredible idea. She smoothed out her robes and looked at his face, which was smiling subtly at her, gaze directed at her nose in what she guessed was attempt to make the closest thing to eye contact. She suddenly realized that Calliope Scamander had told her she had been missing and people were on the lookout of her.

Hiding her face a little more, she tried her best to put slack on her precise posture and navigated themselves around until they reached Gringots. The architecture of the building was amazing, like a piece of art brought to life. The walls were smooth, shiny, and impeccable and it looked like every centimetre was scrubbed to perfection. Her eyes darted back and forth while walking in, landing in goblins, who were cute but mysterious, then the huge array of lights.

After meeting a goblin, Newt awkwardly cleared his throat and tapped the counter with his long uneven nail. "Er, is any information from this bank shared with the anyone else?"

The goblin glared at him and Addie shrunk back a bit from the cold stare. She had never been to Gringots only once before because of her first-class life, but she didn't remember the goblins to be this rude. He was completely used to it, and he just waited for the goblin to hiss back.

"All deposits and withdrawals are completely confidential if the person is of age."

Addie nodded and walked forwards, putting on a straight face. "I'd like to enter the vault for Addison Crickerly." She replied as soft as she could.


She nodded and handed him her wand, waiting for him to examine it. Back when she first came, they had set up a vault just for her, and her mother told her she could spend it on anything she wanted. That was back when she had a loving mother and trusted her with anything, also probably not expecting her to disappear. She couldn't believe that she was so important to have her own vault to herself. The goblin handed it back to her and growled. "Come this way."

They followed him to a series of tracks and sat in the tiny cart, shaking around until they reached a tiny little door that only a goblin could fit under. He took a small key and inserted it into he keyhole and opened the door. The goblin ran his fingers over the polished designs, raked marks appearing along the frame.

The door expanded and Addie could see the gold inside of her vault. She glanced at Newt, who shrugged impressively. "I thought you said you were broke."

"I thought I'd never be able to access my vault."

They removed a portion of the vault into their robe pockets and thanked the goblin, then rode the cart back to the lobby. She felt a bit sick after the bumpy ride and she swallowed back her nausea when she felt as if she was going to puke.

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