1.| fantastic beasts

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It was Addison's first year out of Hogwarts as a graduated student. Whether that was good or bad had been undecided, but the anxious feeling of freedom had so far been like a Portkey transport. Although she had no career in mind, she had many choices to get a job. Yet the only thing she felt interested in was Magizoology.

There was a plan laid out for her like a map in her brain. She couldn't get it out, but she could write on it. There were all the creatures she wanted to see, all the beasts she might tame. Of course taming a beast was as far-fetched as scoring a quaffle into a hoop thirty kilometres away but she could always dream.

First she'd go to Africa, study the mythological creatures there and maybe even nurse some of them back to health. All of it would be recorded: what they ate, how they lived, and their abilities. She'd to this for one year, traveling and studying these creatures until she was confident enough to face the erumpent.

She'd face the beast that killed her father.

Knowing her mother would disapprove deeply, Addison didn't tell her she where she was going. She'd just leave. Ever since she was little, she had a strong set of beliefs that animals are naturally good. This for her, also applied to beasts. Her theory was that there must have been a reason for them to have become so aggressive and kill someone. Hopefully everything would go as planned.

Hopefully she'd have enough money. That was her one problem. Maybe she would accept the money her mother gave her and leave without a trace. But her mom was the minister. She would not get away unnoticed unless she hid under an invisibility cloak for the rest of her life.

Addison had no idea what she was doing.

She needed a traveling partner. Her best friend Gemini Malfoy wasn't as interested in creatures as she was, she was also dealing with the fact she was disowned by her family for dating Keir McKinnon, a Gryffindor pureblood who willingly associated with muggles, making Gem's mother infuriated. The girl had been through so much already, most people considered her as twenty-seven years old while she was seventeen, and she was just as mature as she looked. Addie wouldn't be alarmed if Gem had crow's feet soon from all the stress in her life.

Keir wouldn't be much help either with her journey. Despite his charisma and sleek black hair, he was almost just as clumsy as Newt Scamander.



Her classmate who almost didn't seem to care much to everyone's surprise those five years ago when Care of a Magical Creatures was no longer taught. Before that he was considered a genius in the subject, barely missing any details. After the day her father died, she hadn't spoke to him since. Maybe that could change. Maybe he still had a love for beasts.

She still did, and she kind of hated to admit it.

But Newt has been expelled for six months of the last year after somehow involving in a jarvey, causing the death of one of the Gryffindor students. She didn't believe Newt would do such a thing, but he had admitted to the problems. Whether she'd want to spend time with him was a problem she didn't want to consider.

Newt wasn't the kind of person who would purposely kill someone or be harmful enough to. Despite his clumsiness, she noticed that whenever there were questions being asked and it involved the consequences, he always had the answer to how to fix it. He would know the dangers of keeping a Jarvey and would know how to control it.

She read people well and even with the glimpse of his personality, she could tell that he had gone through something and changed him. He didn't protest or argue when he was caught staring at a dead body as they took him to Dumbledore's office. There was something up with that. She didn't know if she trusted him.

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