Chapter 2: New Friends

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The new kid walks through the hallways of the school and on his way to Headmaster Grimm's office to collect his school schedule.

Male Narrator:
Very good, Brooke. You are getting better.

Thanks, Dad. I wonder who the new student is.

Female Narrator:
You'll find out soon enough, Brooke.

He knocks on the big, wooden door and is greeted by a "Come In!" He enters the office and Headmaster Grimm looks up from his desk and looks at the new student.

"Welcome to Ever After High, young man! I hope that you will enjoy your first year and feel right at home!"

The boy smiles warmly. " Thank you so much, Headmaster Grimm. It's so amazing here and I can't wait to make friends here!"

"What is your name?" asked Headmaster Grimm.

"My name is Scott Beauty, son of Sleeping Beauty. My twin sister, Briar Beauty and my cousin, Rosabella Beauty also goes here," replied Scott.

The headmaster is surprised. He had not known that Briar had a twin brother, but brushed it aside and clears his throat.

"Well, I never!  Here's your class schedule and here's your dorm room number, key and locker combination," said the Headmaster.

Scott took his schedule and key, smiled and left the office. As he walks through the hallway on his way to his dorm room, he is greeted warmly by the students who are hexcited to have a new student.

Scott's POV:
I can't believe that I'm finally at Ever After High! I wonder where Briar and Rosabella are, maybe they are busy or something.

Scott arrived at his dorm and entered to find his roommate, lying on his bed, listening to music on his mirrorphone. With confidence as always, Scott put on a friendly smile and walked up to greet him.

"HI! I'm Scott Beauty, your new roommate!" cheered Scott, waving his hand in front of his roommate's face, quickly getting his attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't see you come in. I'm Alistair Wonderland, son of Alice, nice to meet you," said the blonde-haired boy while taking off his headphones and sticking out his hand.

Scott shakes his hand while saying, "nice to meet you, Alistair."

"So, you're the son of Sleeping Beauty? As in Briar's younger brother?"

"Twin brother, actually."

"Awe-" but Alistair was cut off by a shriek at the door, which cause the two boys to sprint around.

Briar, Rosabella and their friends are standing at the door, the shrieking coming from Briar.

"OM-GOODNESS, it's my twin brother! I can't believe you're here!!" screamed Briar, as she ran to Scott and hugged him. Rosabella joined in too.

Scott, happy to see his sister and cousin, hugged them back.

"Briar! Rosabella! I'm so happy to see you two! Now all three of us are at the same school!"

Briar smiles and introduced Scott to her friends, Apple White, Ashlynn Ella, Blondie Lockes, Cerise Hood, Hunter Huntsman and Dexter Charming. All of them are pleased to meet the twin brother of Briar Beauty. Scott is happy to have so many new friends and after everyone left, fell on his bed, put in his earphones and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

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