Chapter 10: Hexting

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Male Narrator:
The party lasted until three o'clock in the morning and everyone started going back to their dorms.

"Awesome party, Briar!" said Ginger Breadhouse, daughter of The Candy Witch.

"Hexcellent!" smiled Nina Thumbell, daughter of Thumbelina.

"Wicked!" added Justine Dancer, daughter of The 12th Dancing Princess.

Briar grinned. She royally does throw the hexcellent parties!

Female Narrator:
Scott had already fallen asleep and Daring carries his boyfriend, bridal-style to his room. Daring opened the door with his paw, quietly tiptoed through the room, not wanting to wake up Scott, who's soundly asleep in his furry arms, his head resting against Daring's muscular fluffy chest.

Daring carefully placed Scott on his bed and pulling the comforter over him.

"Goodnight, Scott. I love you," whispered Daring, kissing him on the forehead.

Daring quietly tiptoed through the room and closing the door behind him. He then went back to his room.

Daring closed his door and changes into his PJs. He brushes his teeth/fangs and walked over to his king-sized bed and climbed pulling his white gold checkerd comforter over his large body.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Hopper asked, lying in his bed on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, I do. I can't even imagine if something were to happen to Scott. He is my everything. I'll protect him with my life."

"Wow, that's deep. Well, Night Daring," smiles Hopper and switches off the light.

"Night, Hopper," answered Daring back.

He snuggles under his comforter and thought of his love. He really loves Scott and if someone or something harms him, Daring will take care of them.

"I love you so much, Scott Beauty," yawned Daring as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

A message alert came from Scott's mirrorphone, waking him up. Scott sleepily took his phone to see who it is.

Daring: Morning, Sleeping Beauty 🌹

Scott smiled and hexted back.

Scott: Hey Beast 😘

Daring: Sleep well?

Scott: Yes, thank you 💖 How did I get here anyway?

Daring: I carried you.

Scott: Awwwwwww, I wish I was awake!

Daring: 😊😍😘

Scott: You're cute💝

Daring: So are you 😊💖 I wish I was lying beside you, holding you in my arms 💘

Scott: Why didn't you? ☺

Daring: Alistair was in the room with me, so I couldn't and I didn't want to disturb you

Scott: Oh, OK. Next time, we cuddle. 🌹❤

Daring: It's a date 💋

Scott: Well I'm gonna sleep some more, spell ya later?

Daring: Yeah, me too! ❤ Sweet Dreams, baby 💘

Scott: Don't let the bedbugs bite! ❤

Daring: 😘💋😍

Daring: 😘💋😍

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