Chapter 13: Vacation

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Female Narrator:
It's finally summer vacation and everyone at Ever After High is hexcited to go home, be with their families and hang out with their best friends forever after.

"Attention, students," said Headmaster Grimm through the intercom, "Have a great vacation and I plan to see you all here back at school for the following term!"

Male Narrator:
Everyone went crazy, packed up their stuff and ran out of the school, jumping into their carriages that will take them home to their families. Maddie even did cartwheels as she exited the school!

Scott, Daring and their friends chatted excitedly as they left school.

"Guys, I'm so excited! We finally get to have an entire summer to ourselves and we'll party all Night LONG!!" cheered Scott, throwing his hands in the air.

"Hey! That's my line!" snapped Briar, looking at her twin.

"Sorry, Briar," apologized Scott with a sheepish grin.

"I can't wait to go back home and see my mother again. I really missed her, you know," said Apple.

"I'm just happy that the summer is here," Daring said, "Because I can spend it all with my Scott!" hugging his boyfriend from behind.

Scott returned the hug and spotted Lizzie Hearts, Daring's other ex-girlfriend.

Scott wiggled out of his beastly boyfriend's embrace saying, "I'll be right back, guys! Just gimme a sec!" and jogged over to Lizzie.

"Hey Lizzie! Hi, Duchess," said Scott when he saw Duchess.

"Hello, Scott. How are you?" greeted Lizzie politely.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Shouldn't you be with your beast?" asked Duchess, dancing around Scott.

"He's over there with my friends, waiting for me," Scott answered, pointing at Daring who waved at Scott, who waved back.

"Anyway, the reason why I'm here, is because I want to talk to you, Lizzie if I may," Scott said to Lizzie.

"Of course you may speak to me, Scott. What do you want to talk about?" smiles Lizzie.

"You kinda know that Daring and I are together and I just wanna know if you're OK with it?" asked Scott.

"Of course I am alright with it! I'm happy for you! You are forever after all one of my best friends forever after. Next to Blake, of course!" said Lizzie.

"So, you're not mad?"

"No, I'm not."

"Hexcellent!" grinned Scott, hugging Lizzie.

"Now, go! Daring is waiting for you and he does not seem happy to be away from you that long!"

Scott turns around to look at Daring, who's making a puppy face at him, stating Lizzie's comment.

"Thanks, Lizzie." Scott said as he turns to leave.

"Wait!" Lizzie's voice stopped him. "He really does love you, doesn't he?"

Scott looks at his friend and replied, "Yes, Lizzie he does. As do I. Daring makes me feel all the positive emotions all at once and his hugs really are medicine. He's kind, selfless, bold and extremely lovable. He will, WILL literally do anything for me and I will also do anything for him. I'll even give my life for him."

"Scott! Come on, the carriage is waiting for us!" called Briar.

"Be right there! Gotta go, Lizzie and have a great summer! Say hi to your mom for me!" Scott said, before giving Lizzie a final hug.

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