Chapter 4: Feelings

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Male Narrator:
After the long school day, the students just hang out in the school or at the Village of Book End or in the library or at the mall. Everyone is happy that the day is over, except one.

Female Narrator:
Daring is still conflicted with the feelings he has for the new student, Scott Beauty, Briar's twin brother and his ex-girlfriend's cousin. Ever since he laid his gorgeous blue eyes on the attractive, kind teenager, Daring feels like he's going mad, so he goes to the one person he thinks can help him.

C.A Cupid, Daughter of Eros, the Love God.

Daring walked to her dorm room, feeling both confident and nervous. He knew that she's alone, because Blondie is at her MirrorCast Show. Daring took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Daring's POV:
I really do hope that Cupid can help me understand these feelings and possibly perhaps get rid of them and then I can forget that I ever had feelings for Scott Beauty! Why am I sad and angry when I said that? Argh!

The white and blue elegantly painted door opened and there stood C.A Cupid, Daughter of Eros, the person who can (Hopefully!) help him get better!

"Daring! It's so nice to see you! What can I help you with?" said Cupid cheerfully.

"I need your help, Cupid," admitted Daring, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Oh, OK. Come in." said Cupid, being serious.

They both sat down on her pink heart-shaped bed, decorated with hearts, teddy bears and arrows. It was quiet for a minute or two until Cupid broke the uncomfortable silence mixed with a bit of awkwardness.

"So, what's wrong, Daring? Does it concern someone?" asked Cupid politely.

"Yes, Cupid, it does."


"Scott Beauty."

"Briar's twin brother?"


"What's wrong? Is he in trouble?"

"No, he's fine. It's just that... I think I'm developing feelings for him, but I can't be! I'm straight! Is that normal?"

Cupid clears her throat. "Well, what does your heart say?"

Daring paused for a moment.

Daring's POV
What does my heart tell me? It tells me that I should just tell Scott how I feel about him, but I just can't. People will judge me, bully me, torment me. But Scott is openly gay, from what I heard from Rosabella. But Scott, dang. He is a beautiful, kind and thoughtful young man and I want to be his boyfriend. Well more like I want him to be my boyfriend.

"Well, my heart tells me that I should be honest with him, tell him how I feel about him and just pull him into a tight embrace, not letting him go, ever and be with him, forever. Scott is one of those persons who should be protected, cherished from danger and always be loved. But I can't. I just can't."

Cupid took a deep breath and replied: "Why do you say you can't? There's nothing wrong with loving another boy. Love is love. That's what my dad always say. Just follow your heart."

Daring let a moan. "You don't get it, don't you, Cupid? I've been gay my entire life. I pretended to like girls, flirting with them, going out with them, but I don't feel anything towards them. I convinced myself that I'm straight for so long, that I forgot that I was gay. When I met Scott, the real me came back and it felt good. Like really good. Like a sword had been removed from my back where it had been for so long. Scott is the first real person I ever learned to love. If my father finds out, he will be furious! He'll disown me, kick me out, never love me again and always be ashamed for having a gay son. I'm scared, Cupid."

Cupid is dumbfounded. She has never seen Daring so afraid before. She thought hard of how to give him the right answer. Then, she has an idea.

"Listen, why don't you put your feelings down on parchment?"

"That is not a bad idea. Thanks, Cupid and thank you for helping me realize who I really am."

"You're always welcome, Daring Charming. And besides, I kinda knew that you liked boys," smiled Cupid.

Daring smiles back and exits the room. He returned to his dorm, took out parchment and a quill and starts writing down his feelings.

After fifteen minutes later, Daring slides the note under Scott's door and left.

Scott was on his bed, reading when he saw someone slipping a note under his door. He walked over to the note, picked it up and began reading it out loud:


My beautiful Scott,

Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I immediately fell in love with you.

Your hair shines like rich chocolate with a hint of strawberry and grapes,

Your eyes are like gorgeous orbs just waiting to amaze people with your beauty,

Your smile sends chills down my spine and makes my stomach full of butterflies,

Your laughter makes me feel happy and chases all negative emotions out of my system,

Your kind and sweet personality is what really amazes me. You are an angel, treats everyone, everything, ANYTHING with the utmost respect and love and that's what really drew me to you.

I love you, Scott and I ask you this, if I may,

Can I keep you?
(Not in a creepy, weird way!)


Scott cried at the most beautiful letter that anyone had given him. He looks for a name, desperate for who had sent it and is surprised.

There is no name.

There is no name

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