Chapter 3: Classes

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Female Narrator:
Scott woke up to find the sunlight shining on him, through the soft, red velvet curtains, meaning that it's his first day at Ever After High.

"Well Scott, it's your first day. Time to make the most of it!" said Scott happily to himself.

Male Narrator:
His roommate, Alistair had already left with his girlfriend, Bunny Blanc, Daughter of the White Rabbit, so he has the whole bathroom to himself to get ready. He showers, while listening to his favorite song" Die Young" by Ke$ha, styles his hair, brushes his teeth and put on his favorite perfume, Roses In A Basket.

Oh, one thing about Scott. He is gay, ever since he was in Spellamentary School. He was bullied, but Briar, Rosabella and their friends always protected him. Now he's proud of his sexuality and not afraid to show it.

Scott picks up his backpack and phone and locked his dorm room and on his way to his first class, Kingdom Management. In the Destiny Conflict, Scott sides with the Royals, because he wants to follow his new destiny as the next Sleeping Beauty since Briar became a Rebel. Scott is conflicted with the idea of sleeping for a hundred years, but he is willing to stop his fairytale from disappearing.

Scott walks up to his locker, opens it and put in some of his books and took out his Kingdom Management book. Just as he is about to leave, a voice stopped him.

"Hi Scott!"

Ashlynn Ella and her boyfriend, Hunter Huntsman waves at him, both smiling. Scott smiled back at them.

"Hey Ashlynn! Hey Hunter! How are the two lovebirds?" said Scott, winking with his hands on his hips.

"Oh, well you know, the same," said Ashlynn while looking at Hunter, who gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Scott smiles at his new friends, saying, "Well, I gotta go to my first class. Spell ya later!" With that, Scott sped down the hallway.

"Spell ya later!" called Ashlynn and Hunter after him.

A few minutes later...

Scott arrived at his class and opens the door, but caught a splinter in his finger.

"Ouch!" exclaimed Scott, trying to get the splinter out, but he fell to the ground.

Wanna know what happened? Well, Scott also inherited his mother's sleeping curse, so every time he pricks his finger, he fells into a deep sleep and only a kiss can always wake him up.

A few seconds later, Rosabella and her ex-boyfriend, Daring Charming walks into the hallway and finds Scott lying on the floor.
"Scott!" Rosabella rushes to her cousin and saw the splinter in his finger.

Daring also came to Scott's side, concerned for him.

"He pricked his finger, Daring. On the door," said Rosabella, pointing to the door.

Daring looked at the door and back to Rosabella, saying, "So what do we do?" with a concerned look on his face.

Rosabella looked at him, saying "I need to kiss him."

"What?!" cried Daring, shocked.

"It's the only way to wake him up, Daring. Scott also has the sleeping curse as Briar! Why don't you do it, then?"

"No! I'm not gay!"

"OK, fine." With that, Rosabella kissed her cousin, in which she and Briar had done many times in their childhood when Scott pricked his finger. Daring was a bit weirded out, but he knew it was to wake him up.

Scott opened his eyes to find Rosabella and Daring in front of him.

"What happened?" asked Scott.

"You pricked your finger and I kissed you to wake you up," replied Rosabella.

Scott thanked his cousin and turned his eyes to Daring.

"Hi, I'm Scott Beauty, son of Sleeping Beauty," said Scott, smiling and holding out his hand.

"Charming, Daring Charming, son of King Charming, pleased to meet you," said Daring with his signature, charming smile.

"Well, Scott and I should get to class, Daring. You too," said Rosabella.

"Of course! Charm you later!" said Daring, flashing his flashing, killer smile and walked into his class.

"Well, he's cute. Rosabella, why did you break up with him?" Scott asked his cousin.

"Well, we discovered that we were better as friends than a couple so we broke up and remained friends."

Scott nodded and said goodbye to his cousin as she walked off to her class, Beast Training And Care. Before he went in, Scott let two girls walk before him being the perfect gentleman he is and also being wary of those dangerous splinters.

In class

Scott's POV:
I can't believe that I could be so careless, pricking my finger again. I should be more careful next time. Luckily, Rosabella and Daring came just in time or I would be late on my first day! Oh, Daring, he's so cute, so handsome, that smile.... no Scott focus! You can't possibly like him? He's your cousin's ex boyfriend! I, Scott Beauty, does absolutely NOT like Daring Charming! Do I?


Daring's POV:
Why was I jealous when Rosabella kissed Scott? It was to wake him up. It can't be. I can not be developing feelings for him... no I'm not gay, I'm straight. Just don't think about him, that beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, that cute little butt, oh my crown! I can't believe I said that! Arrggghhhh!!

"Daring, are you OK?"

Daring snapped out of his thoughts to look at his younger brother, Dexter Charming.

"I'm fine, baby bro!" chuckled Daring nervously.

Dexter is a bit suspicious, but believed his brother.

Daring is confused. He needs to talk to someone about these weird feelings towards Scott, then he got an idea. He knows exactly the right person!

 He knows exactly the right person!

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