Chapter 18: True Love's Kiss

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Male Narrator:
It has began. Scott Beauty's curse has began and so he shall sleep for a hundred years.

But what about Daring? He's Scott's true love. He should be able to wake him up.

Female Narrator:
True, but Daring is afraid that his kiss won't work like his kiss with Apple White in Dragon Games.

I hope that Daring's kiss will wake Scott up. It has to.

Daring felt the shockwaves going across the land, indicating that The Dark Fairy's curse has been fulfilled. He fell to the ground, utterly shattered.

"ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Daring, the thought of losing Scott forever after has tragically come true.

Daring's POV
I can't believe it. Scott's gone, forever after. If only I had gone with him, but no I decided to go outside, only to be faced with my father, who just reminded me that I'm gonna lose the love of my life. I have nothing left. Nothing! NOTHING!!

Suddenly, he remembered Scott's words:

Daring, you are my true love. You'll wake me up with true love's kiss. If that doesn't work, then I will always be with you, whether I'm awake or asleep. I love you forever after, Daring Charming. Don't you ever after forget that.

"True Love's Kiss," Daring said.

With that, he raced the remaining path to Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Daring's POV
I need to get to Sleeping Beauty Castle and fast. Scott needs me.

Daring finally arrived at Sleeping Beauty Castle, but was faced with a discovery. The entire castle was overtaken with vines with thorns and roses and the doors and windows are completely sealed off.

Daring is hesitant, because he's a tiny bit afraid of heights, but the thought of Scott lying in the tower, trapped in eternal slumber fueled his body with courage and determination which completely overshadows his fears.

"I'm not gonna let branches and leaves keep me from my Scott!" Daring boldy stated.

He raced to the castle and jumped onto the vines. He begins the long journey of climbing them to the tallest tower of Sleeping Beauty Castle, where his love is awaiting a kiss from him.

As Daring is climbing the vines, he spotted something through the large, pink windows.

Everyone is asleep. King Beauty and his wife are slumped in their thrones, snoring softy, Briar is standing with a glass of punch in her hand, the Beauty brothers who were busy playing are standing, asleep, one brother with his hand in midair, a wooden sword in his grasp.

Daring's POV
I'm confused. Why is everyone else asleep? Why are a few of them standing, sleeping?

Daring also saw his siblings. Dexter is slumped over the table, apparently he tripped and fell on the table when he fell asleep. Darling is sleeping peacefully on the floor, her arms serving as her pillow. Blake is sleeping with his face in his food and Cole with his face on Blake's lap. Ashlynn and Hunter stopped in the middle of their slow dance, asleep and still holding each other.

Daring tore his gaze from the sleeping royal family and their guests and continued climbing the castle, determined to rescue Scott from his deep sleep.

The journey was not easy. A few vines broke here and there and Daring had to take different routes in order to continue which was very difficult.

At last, Daring reached the tower. He jumped through the window and landed on all fours.

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