The moon was shining brightly into one bedroom of Number 4 Privet Drive, and a nearly fifteen-year-old boy sat looking out the window thinking about all that had happened in the last year. Harry Potter was the goat who had tricked the Goblet of Fire into letting him play in the Triwizard Championship – so said the sheep of Hogwarts. Harry Potter was the hero who went into the maze as the leader in points just before Cedric Diggory. Harry Potter was the winner of that trophy grasping it for a tie along with Cedric Diggory. But Harry Potter was the goat again. After being an unwilling witness and participant to the Resurrection of the Dark Lord, watching his Godfather Sirius Black try to follow and rescue him, only to see him die, and then somehow getting back to the Triwizard Trophy, he was the goat again.
Harry Potter was the goat when he had tried to get them to listen. The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge would not listen. Instead he had given the Dementor's Kiss to Bartemius Crouch Jr, rather than attempt to find out what was going on. He had dismissed Harry's claims that Voldemort was back. He dared to claim that Cedric Diggory's death had been an accident in the maze during the last challenge. He dared to claim that the Avery person that Voldemort had blasted the crucio curse on was now a hero for bringing Sirius Black down with a hex.
Even Professor Dumbledore, Harry's hero was subject to Harry's ire. The Headmaster was too worried about Fudge and politics to care how Harry was doing. He had hardly said any words to Harry after that time in the Hospital wing. On the train, Harry had to hear from Hermione and Ron again that they would be unable to write to him for the whole summer – Dumbledore's orders. Harry was sick of it.
The icing on the cake was the list of chores that Aunt Petunia had set Harry on right at the start of the summer. And when Harry hadn't been able to get the lawn clipped before dark, he had to endure the end of Uncle Vernon's belt. Harry felt that he had snapped.
Just then, a proud owl came flying across the moon and through the open window of Harry Potter's window. It landed on his desk and dropped its burden, a letter in fancy parchment. Then, without any payment, it jumped up and soared back through the window and into the night.
Harry peered down at the letter. He had thought Dumbledore had charmed the house against any and every letter from anyone. "To prevent unwanted attentions – " He had told him through Ron. He probably would have added a "My boy – " or would have if he had spoken directly to Harry. Harry reached down for the letter and immediately recognizes the crest from Gringotts.
After he opened it up, he read:
"Dear Mr. Potter,
It is with heavy hearts that we reach out to you following the death of your Godfather, Sirius Black. The Goblin nation wishes you its condolences.
The reason for this correspondence is to invite you to Gringotts bank for the reading of a secret will. Instructions were left at the bank for special measures to be taken to get this letter to you in the case of Mr. Black's passing. Please take the key below and hold it at 4pm. This is a Portkey that will take you to a secure location in the bank. It can also take you back.
We look forward to doing business with you.
Harry read the letter a few times over but didn't seem to think there was anything out of the ordinary. He supposed that Dumbledore would want him to inform the Headmaster about any correspondence that made it suspiciously to him, such as this, but Harry felt that Dumbledore would insist on his remaining at his Aunt and Uncle's home. Harry was just too curious. So, he put the parchment and key in the loose board of his bedroom. Then, he continued to look out into the night sky.

Harry Potter and the Wondrous Blood Ri
FanfictionOne day after Harry's return to the Dursleys home and he is a wreck. He has suffered another beating at the hand of his Uncle Vernon. But what bothers him is everything that happened in the maze after the Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort returned...