Chapter Twenty-Five

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The day of Jillian's birthday approached, but still she didn't know what to expect. She had seen what Regina had planned, but she saw little more planning to complete the spell. They continued the nightly trips to Chamber of Secrets. Jillian marveled at what Regina had done. Each successive day the snake got larger.

Two days before Jillian's birthday was Slughorn's Christmas Party. Jillian and Regina could not go together, but Regina went to the party with Graham Pritchard while Jillian who was now in the Slug Club took Malcom Baddock. They had been there barely an hour when the last person they had hoped to talk to approached the four of them.

"Oh, Fawley and MacDougal," Azure Zabini drawled, "I'm surprised you two didn't just come together."

Graham narrowed his eyes at Azure and then took in her date, Joshua Goldstein. Regina smiled pleasantly at her, but noticed Goldstein's vacant stare.

"What has become of your date, Azure?" Regina said, making sure to remind her former friend of their once casual friendship. "He is here, but yet he is missing."

Azure Zabini rolled her eyes. "Yes, well, we just spent some time in an open classroom."

Jillian snorted and Regina could almost read her mind. Both of them were also masters of the Dark Arts. Goldstein's condition was not because of good sex. No, he was becoming hollow. Azure had had to do too much to win him.

Regina whispered her barbed words: "A funny thing, sex –" she said. "I personally would prefer a willing partner –"

Azure's lips turned up at her. "Josh is willing –"

But Graham who was catching on looked disturbed at poor Goldstein. "I don't see willingness or anything in that boy."

Azure stared at Regina as if that stare could send the green killing curse at her main rival. But seeing not an opening she literally pulled her boy and off they went.

Graham and Malcom were so disturbed that they went to find one of the famous Quidditch players that Slughorn had invited to the party. They left the two girls to themselves. Jillian whispered into Regina's ear. "She's going to have to kill poor Josh during Holiday."

Regina shook her head in agreement.

The day of Jillian's birthday came and it was a Saturday afternoon. When the two were dressed, Regina took Jillian through one of the secret corridors from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. As they held hands on the way out, Jillian laughed, "You always have a new surprise, don't you?"

Regina took her friend to a quiet café in London for lunch. She had another surprise for Jillian – she could apparate. They shopped in London's Muggle downtown district. Regina bought Jillian a beautiful black dress, with burgundy lines crisscrossing through it. Jillian again tried to object. "You aren't going to the Malfoy ball dressed like a country-bumpkin." Was Regina's response. Things were getting late and Regina took Jillian to a long line of Muggles. Men caught their eyes and looked at them hungrily, but for the most part Regina and Jillian were too focused on each other.

Soon, Regina and Jillian were inside. They were dancing and jumping in the middle of the club. After a few songs, they were dancing with some boys. Regina toyed with her boy and Jillian mimicked her friend. Regina turned her ass into his hips. Jillian grinded against them. The two boys tried to give them drinks, but Regina had warned Jillian ahead of time. "No drinking – Muggles have their own form of magic."

Soon, Regina and Jillian were staggering from the nightclub on the arms of the boys. The boys led them down the street and suddenly pushed them into the Alley. Suddenly everything changed. Regina and Jillian found themselves on the ground and the men were leering above them. "Little sluts like you need a good lesson," the one said to Jillian. Regina called her wand to herself and Jillian did too. In seconds, the boys were Stupified.

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