Chapter Nine

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Regina returned to Hogwarts excited. She had completed her homework over the break and was feeling good. Things continued to move forward for Regina. She continued to network among first and second years throughout all of Hogwarts, including having an acquaintance in Gryffindor by the name of Michelle Harper and one in Ravenclaw by the name of Vanessa Moon. Rose Zellar, her family acquaintance helped her connect with others in Hufflepuff.

She carefully kept tabs on her old acquaintances when she was Harry Potter. Things seemed to be getting worse for them. Apparently, Hermione Granger used her ability to blackmail Rita Skeeter to write a story on Harry's viewing of Voldemort's resurrection. It wasn't written in the Daily Prophet, but the Quibbler produced it. Regina was able to borrow Rose's copy of the now forbidden tabloid.

Remembering Harry Potter

Is Harry Potter the boy who lost it or the boy who saved us?

For years, the Wizarding Community has thrived because a little boy took in the face an Avada Kedavra. But when that said boy entered Hogwarts, he did not get the thanks that he was deserved. Instead, he got mocked and laughed at. When a sinister force possessed a Defense against the Dark Arts Professor, it was young Harry Potter who prevented him from gaining the Sorcerer's Stone and the means to his resurrection.

When a basilisk was set free in Hogwarts the next year, it was our hero who stood against that dangerous snake and killed it with the sword of Gryffindor.

He has lost a Godfather. He has lived with Muggles who did not love or care for him.

When he was forced into the TriWizard Tournament, he was forced by Portkey to be an unwilling participant in He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's resurrection. When he returned, he was laughed at by our inept government and others. But now he is gone the Dark Lord is regaining his forces, breaking them out of Azkaban.

What will happen next? Why does the Minsitry refuse to see reason? If we don't answer these questions, we will face darker times than we did fifteen years ago.

Rita Skeeter, writing for the Quibbler.

That article made lots of trouble for them. Because Professor Umbridge was furious. She made another Educational Decree banning the reading of the Lovegood Quibbler.

Later, Professor Umbridge moved to remove professors who she found to be terrible teachers, the first one to go was Sybill Trelawney. Dumbledore allowed Trelawney to still live in the castle, even though she couldn't teach. He hired a centaur, Firenze, which only further irritated the High Inquisitor.

The rumors were floating about who would be next. The conventional wisdom was that Harry Potter's dear friend Rubeus Hagrid was going to be the next Professor to get the axe.

As Professor Umbridge kept the pressure on Harry Potter's old favorite teacher, the Inquisitorial Staff found the crack in Granger and Weasley's defense club. Malfoy and Parkinson, lead inquisitors for Professor Umbridge discovered the meeting place. It led to the attempted arrest of Professor Dumbledore. The rumor was that Professor Dumbledore alluded capture using his Phoenix.

The names that were associated with that group were staggering: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, along with his twin brothers and sister. Cho Chang, the popular Hufflepuff seeker. But apparently, she eluded trouble, because she was pressured to help turn them in. Lavender Brown, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Parvati Patil, and Dean Thomas also had been caught. They still would not have caught them if it weren't for the betrayal of Marietta Edgecombe.

Apparently, no one was expelled because Professor Dumbledore had insisted that Granger and Weasley create that club on his orders. Everyone, especially the leaders had to spend time in detention with Professor Umbridge though.

Now that Dumbledore had been removed, Professor Umbridge was appointed Headmistress and imposed even tighter control of the school. But this did not make things better at Hogwarts. Fred and George Weasley in retaliation for Umbridge's method of pushing Professor Dumbledore out, began a campaign of terror against the school, creating complete chaos. It seemed that some of the teachers even seemed to subtly encourage it. Things came to a head one day when Fred and George literally turned the Great Hall into a swamp and on the way out, they sent out fireworks and quit school.

Regina smiled fondly. She knew with the money Harry Potter had given them at the end of last year that they would be setting up Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley.

When June comes, Regina and her friends work on their finals. During one final, Professor Umbridge orders several Aurors to evict Hagrid from Hogwarts. That turned into a disaster. She worked under cover of darkness to avoid the same kind of fallout she got when she removed Professor Trelawney. Hagrid resisted their magic attacks, being a half giant. Professor McGonagall was injured when protesting the use of excessive force against Hagrid. Thanks to McGonagall's interference, Hagrid was able to escape, but Professor McGonagall is unable to oversee the Transfiguration exams due to being sent to St. Mungo's.

The rest of term ended with Regina and her friends doing very well on their finals. Regina got all O's on the theoretical and practical portions. At the end of year feast, Professor Umbridge announced that Slytherin had won the House Cup. It was their first victory in 4 years. They absolutely crushed Ravenclaw. Gryffindor was in last place due to Professor Umbridge's absolute hatred for that house.

Regina's trip back on the Hogwarts train was very surreal. She had time to consider several things. She knew that if she had still been Harry Potter, she would have been front and center in all those battles with Professor Umbridge. She couldn't say that she regretted not being there. After a year of being Regina, she felt that it was not a young person's job to have to fight such battles. That was an adult's job. With no trip to the Dursleys or any other crazy Dark Lord stuff, she looked forward to a quiet summer with an actual family.

She wouldn't have to stay with three people who hated her and wished she was gone or would work her to death. She would be able to visit her friends, Jillian and Azure and Gale. She knew that going forward her future was bright and secure.

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