Chapter Twenty-One

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Regina did go to Hogsmeade with him once, but that was the only date she permitted Neville. She commanded him to make up with Hannah Abbott. She wasn't sure if he could do it, but vague lies about threats from Junior Death Eaters, and some careful Mind Magic in Hannah's mind finally got through to her. By the end of the year they were dating again.

Besides, Hannah Abbott had nowhere else to go. By Valentine's Day Hannah Abbott was engaged to the Longbottom Heir who now as a Dark Death Eater had his House and his position restored.

The rest of the year went by. A few accidents like what happened to Miss Weasley happened to the students, but no one actually died. By the end of the year, Slytherin had won the cup for the 3rd year running and everyone was on the train heading home.

Everyone had really changed in the last year. Currently, Gale was with Theodore Nott. Regina was certain that he was sleeping with her. That was the darker part now to Gale's personality. They would have been engaged, but she was too young. Azure and Jillian and Regina still gossiped and trusted each other, but each was fighting a battle with their own inner darkness. No one would share. Regina guessed that Azure was getting deep instruction in the Dark Arts from her family. Jillian was dreading the return to the MacDougal home, because of the Dark Magic on her body. Regina was looking forward to three months at Bellatrix Lestrange Camp. No one seemed excited for summer, and no one wanted to talk about that.

As they started to see the outskirts of London, Regina told her friends. "If you need to talk to me for any reason, touch your wand to the bracelet and speak my name. I will be able to speak with you in response." She didn't dare tell them that the Dark Lord if he would choose could also hear that conversation. But she was worried about Jillian. They left the train, hugged and said their goodbyes. Regina left for Fawley Manor for Lestrange Camp.

That summer had one respite. She was invited to Longbottom Manor for Neville's wedding. She did not stand up, due to Hannah's fear of Regina. Even unknown to Neville was the appearance of Regina's strange dark and handsome date. He wore a glamor, but it was none other than Rabastan Lestrange.

+ + + +

A man in a purple hood sat at a table in Dublin with a woman in a green skirt and hat. They had been discussing the current state of the Wizarding World for some time.

"But I am curious," The woman in the witch's hat clipped in good Scottish, "Did you learn much about what happened at Hogwarts?"

The older wizard is purple robes pinched his nose and let out a loud sigh.

"I feared the worst, the killing of students, but that didn't happen." He said with trembling. "It was worse."

"How so –" the woman said with her own shaking voice.

"From what I understand," he said, "No one came back from Hogwarts unchanged. No one!"

"But surely, some of the older Gryffindor students –" the woman replied.

The man shook his head.

"I checked on Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott," he started. "They happen to be married by the way."

"That sounds like good news –" the woman replied.

"There was a darkness between them." The wizard in purple robes replied. "I didn't dare approach Longbottom, he stunk with Dark Magic. It is all over him. He is changed –"

"But –" the woman replied.

"I did speak to Mrs. Longbottom," he continued. "She implored me to speak to Neville, but I was afraid. She is broken."

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