The return trip had Regina thinking of her Grandfather's words on that first day. She was loading the train when Hermione Granger, Ginevra Weasley, and Neville Longbottom approached her. "Could you give us a minute of your time?" Neville asked her, showing quite a bit of nerves. Regina steeled herself to be friendly.
"How may I help you?" she asked.
"We wanted to speak to you about a few things on the train," Hermione said, since Neville stuttered his way to speak. Regina nodded.
"Come find us in Compartment twelve, an hour in," Ginny said. Regina nodded again, then removed herself from the Gryffindor threesome as quickly as possible.
She was barely relaxed in her compartment, eating a chocolate frog when the compartment door opened, and Theodore Nott stepped in smartly. "Miss Fawley –" he said with a nod.
Regina smiled – a little more comfortable with the Slytherin than the Gryffindors. "Mr. Nott," she replied in turn.
"Oh," please call me, "Theo," he said. Regina replied. "And you can call me, Regina. Would you like to sit with us?"
The girls were in a little shock as the 6th Year Slytherin boy came in to sit by Regina. He joined in the conversation for quite a while. Regina felt much more comfortable with him at this point, but as time grew closer to her appointment with Neville, she grumbled – almost unlady like.
"Is something wrong?" Theo asked her.
"Alas," she said with a sigh. "My grandfather wants me to play nice with Longbottom."
At this, Theo's face turned red and his eyes narrowed, and his lips crashed together. She gently touched his hand.
"Don't worry," she looked him in the eyes, "Where can I find you when I am finished with the Gryffindorks?"
Theo relaxed, slightly. "I will be in Compartment eight." With that Theo got up, kissed her hand and walked out.
Gale whistled once he was gone. "Kind of young for that attention, aren't you?"
Regina nodded. "I think I have been doing too well in school for my own good." Then, she stood up. "I am supposed to meet with Longbottom next. I'll be back when I can."
Azure stood up, "I will walk with you," she said. "I want to check on my brother." The two friends walked arm-in-arm from their lowly cabin all the way to twelve. Azure made sure the three inside saw her pat Regina's hand and then Regina walked smartly in.
Regina slowly made her way inside, trunks and luggage strewn all over the cabin, just as it was when Harry Potter had traveled with these three in the past. She wondered about Ron Weasley, but then she guessed that he was with Lavender Brown – that was the rumor regarding him. Ginny and Hermione were elbowing Neville hard who finally stood up and offered Regina his arm.
"Would you care to sit," he asked with his arm out.
"Thank you, Mr. Longbottom," Regina replied all too formally.
Neville blushed red, "It's Neville," he said. "Please call me Neville."
Regina forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Neville." She did not yet offer him the same luxury of using her given name.
"Please have a seat," Hermione said as they made room for her. Regina sat with Hermione on her right arm, Neville on her left and Ginny just to the right of Hermione. When Regina was seated and comfortable, Hermione waved her wand speaking the charm to stop eavesdropping. Regina's eyes narrowed, but so far said nothing.

Harry Potter and the Wondrous Blood Ri
FanfictionOne day after Harry's return to the Dursleys home and he is a wreck. He has suffered another beating at the hand of his Uncle Vernon. But what bothers him is everything that happened in the maze after the Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort returned...