Life was very dull for Regina Fawley those first weeks. The thing that made it easier was the way she challenged herself. Soon, she was given nearly every Professor's permission to practice all the spells wandlessly and without speaking.
Rumors were coming from Gryffindor's 5th year Defense against the Dark Arts Class. It seemed that Harry's old friends were having troubles. Both Ron and Hermione had vocally complained about the lack of spells in the class and about the barbaric methods of discipline that Professor Umbridge used. Hermione and Ron seemed to take the brunt of her discipline.
Regina had homework, but she had resources and understanding of the magic that made the homework – even the essays easy.
She spent the majority of her time with who was fast becoming her best friend, Jillian MacDougal. Jillian was a level head and was very confident in herself. She didn't have the immaturity of Ron Weasley. She also didn't have the desire for attention that Hermione Granger had.
September ended with Professor Umbridge gaining further control of the school. She started to pass things she called "Educational Decrees."
Educational Decree # 1 stated: "Any student found in possession of a spell-check charmed quill will be severely punished."
This began the time when Professor Umbridge was known as Hogwarts High Inquisitor.
It even made Gale complain quietly one day in the library. "From what I have heard – " she had said, "Nothing like this has ever happened before."
Regina harshly shushed her.
"Be careful." She whispered. "These are not the kind of things we should be talking about in public. Someone could be listening."
Pansy Parkinson stepped out from behind a bookcase at that point.
"That is correct, Ms. Fawley." She drawled. "Five points to Slytherin for gently correcting a fellow student."
She looked carefully at Gale. "Weatherby," she said. "You need to remember that you are a Slytherin, and not a Gryffindor. There are things going on around here where we all need to keep our heads down and our mouths shut. Just like Ms. Fawley said."
Madame Pince seemed to glare in their direction but said nothing. Regina and Jillian led the group back into studying for Double Potions tomorrow.
In the weeks that followed Professor Umbridge cemented her hold on the school further. She used one of her Educational Decrees to declare herself the Hogwarts High Inquisitor. She announced that she was about to evaluate each of the teachers.
Regina was personally glad she did not have the attention of being Harry Potter on her anymore. She had a feeling that Professor Umbridge would not like Harry Potter. Regina Fawley, however, was one of Professor Umbridge's favorite students. She was quiet in class, took good notes, and got O's on every assignment.
One of Professor Umbridge's most controversial moves was the creation of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four. It read:
"All Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are heneceforth disbanded. Any Organisation, Society, Team, Group or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge). No Student Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled."

Harry Potter and the Wondrous Blood Ri
FanfictionOne day after Harry's return to the Dursleys home and he is a wreck. He has suffered another beating at the hand of his Uncle Vernon. But what bothers him is everything that happened in the maze after the Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort returned...