Kreacher took Regina Fawley to the rubble of a home that had once been the proud home of the pureblooded Fawley family. Regina followed Kreacher to a saferoom at the bottom of the rubble. With Kreacher's help, they opened the saferoom. They made sure that no one was left inside. They found nothing. At this point, Regina nodded to Kreacher who made a whistle with his two fingers.
At this point, Kreacher quickly popped away, but a second elf appeared.
The young elf looked at Regina, "Mistress Regina," he asked. "Is that you?"
Regina held her head, making sure to put behind some blocks of her former life as Walburga had been teaching her. "I'm sorry –" she replied. I made it to the safe room, but as I went in something hit my head really hard. I can't remember much, even your name – "
The elf was practically bouncing. "Niles –" he said. "Niles is so excited that Mistress Regina is okay. I can take your immediately to your Great Grandfather and Grandmother."
"That would be lovely," Regina replied.
Niles put his hand on Regina and they both popped away.
Regina had barely gotten her bearings when she heard a scream.
"I can't believe it!" her great-grandmother, Ethel Fawley said. "You survived, my dear Regina."
The old woman rushed to take in the dusty visage of her great-granddaughter, Regina. Ethel Fawley turned to Niles. "Go to Robert immediately. He will be so happy."
Niles popped away. Meanwhile, Regina's great-grandmother fussed over her. As she held Regina close, suddenly, Niles returned with Robert Fawley.
"Is it really true?" He exclaimed. "It is!" He shouted as his eyes took in Regina's face and hair. He happy family prepared to celebrate a big feast.
+ + + +
Regina didn't have much time before Hogwarts. She had to get a wand. She was going to skip her books – claiming that she had her elf get them. Regina's Great-grandmother and Great-grandfather were too old for the journey to Diagon Alley anyway. But she still needed to get her robes and her wand. So, they set up a chance for Regina to go with another girl who was likely going to be her age, Rose Zeller.
"Now, Rose is a Half-blood, dear," her great-grandmother, Ethel was explaining to her. "You can think of her as your companion and helper, but she is not your friend."
"I certainly understand, Grandmother," Regina said.
Regina sat straight in the chair as she and her great-grandmother awaited the arrival of Rose and her mother.
"Rose's family is under our protection. We make sure that nothing happens to them." She continued.
At just that moment, Niles appeared.
"Mistress, Ethel –" he said with a bow, "The Zellers are here."
"Please send them in – we are ready," her grandmother replied.
At the moment, two homely women, one the spitting image of the other walked in. Mrs. Zellar poked her daughter, Rose, forward.
"Hello, Miss Fawley," she said with some uncertainty, "my name is Rose Zellar."
Regina let the smile just touch her face. She wanted to be open and cordial but not too friendly. "I am glad to meet you."
Slowly, Regina stood up and walked over, offering an awkward hug for the Zeller girl. "I have most of my shopping done. I just need to get my wand and some robes."

Harry Potter and the Wondrous Blood Ri
FanfictionOne day after Harry's return to the Dursleys home and he is a wreck. He has suffered another beating at the hand of his Uncle Vernon. But what bothers him is everything that happened in the maze after the Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort returned...