Chapter Eleven

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The new schedule and format of classes worked well for Regina and her friends. When school started on Monday, they didn't have to eat breakfast immediately like the Muggleborns had to. They had the time to get ready for the morning.

And every class going into her second time through second year was a breeze for Regina – other than potions and History. Potions required extra work again. She made sure to cross-reference ingredients, their properties to the recipe. She and the four that studied with her soon discovered that by doing this you could make the potion better or at least get the same affect faster.

Another bonus was that Professor Marchbanks did not require Professor Slughorn to teach multiple houses in the period and allowed for him to have seventh year helpers. Therefore, there were no disastrous Gryffindor blow-ups in the dungeons up for them to endure.

The potions classroom wasn't as dark and gloomy either. Slughorn had extended into the empty dungeons and made a larger classroom. Natural light came in from windows in the dungeon. Shelving was installed on the curved walls of the circular classroom, holding jars of ingredients. Regina thought this improvement would have pleased Harry greatly who did not enjoy classes in Snape's presence at all.

History took some effort now, because it had a competent Professor teaching it. Professor Bagshot was old, but she knew her stuff. It was work, but Regina after a week discovered that a competent teacher in History made the class strong. Regina found the history lesson into family trees and the coming of magic to the British Isles fascinating. She learned a great deal about the Potter, Black, and Fawley families.

Early during the school year a terrible wail came up from the Hufflepuff table – from Hannah Abbot. News get out in the Daily Prophet that her mother had been found dead in her home, murdered by Death Eaters. Gale had whispered none to loudly – she did lack tact after all – "It is likely because her mother is a Mudblood."

"Hush–" Regina told her. "It is not polite to say that word in polite company."

Another accident happened during the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year. Katie Bell, a 7th year Gryffindor, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was cursed. No one knew anything. The skill to heal her beyond even Madam Pomfrey. The Seventh Year was sent to St. Mungo's. The whispers about what happened floated from Gryffindor in the direction of Slytherin. Regina had heard Weasley say, "I swear it was that Malfoy!"

In a blur September and then October flew by. Quidditch matches happened. Slytherin verus Gryffindor and this year Ginny Weasley caught the snitch. She was very good as a Seeker. Snow started to come down on the Highlands of Scotland over the grounds of Hogwarts. Katie Bell did in fact go to St. Mungo's. She was awake, but she was not able to feed herself or formulate small sentences.

Two weeks after the attack on Katie Bell, a letter flew from one of the school owls to Regina Fawley. In fact, several school owls got owls: Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Cormac McLaggen and others. Regina curiously opened her letter up and read the italic green writing printed on a fancy card.

To Miss Regina May Fawley,

You are cordially invited to attend a dinner party at the invitation of Professor Horace Slughorn.

The dinner will take place on Saturday 16th November 7pm sharp. There will be drinks, dinner prepared by one of the finest chefs in the wizarding world, and the opportunity to meet with a former of Professor Slughorn and Captain of the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team Gwenog Jones.

The dress code is smart – but don't turn up in full dress robes!

If you are able to attend, please inform Professor Slughorn a.s.a.p.

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