Chapter Thirty-Three

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Regina sat quietly at Lucius Malfoy's desk waiting for the Dark Lord's right political hand to tell her that the Minister would see her. She sat perfectly straight. Inside she was nervous. How is one not nervous when a Master of the Dark Arts is about to call you into their private study? Regina felt the presence of her best friend, lover, and partner, Jillian MacDougal. She sat perfectly still as well. It seemed that she had little to no fear.

At that moment, Lord Malfoy walked into the room. Regina and Jillian stood up making sure that their dresses looked smart and pristine.

"The Minister is ready to see you now," Lord Malfoy drawled.

With an arm for each, he led them through the back of his office and down the hallway and through his private entry into the Minister's office. He sat first Regina Fawley and then Jillian MacDougal and then left the room.

Then, the Minister entered from his private study. He motioned with his hand that the two ladies should remain seated. Then, he sat down across from them.

"It is a rare thing that I call students from Hogwarts into my meeting room before they have graduated. I often don't call them to such an intimate gathering for several years in fact. The only other I have done this for is Draco Malfoy. But what Bellatrix tells me about the both of you, what I have heard, and can sense has given me an intense desire to be personally involved in your career plans."

He looked down at files with each of them on it – the crest of Hogwarts on each file as if inside were the secret to seeing into their souls. He also looked on another sheet of paper where their Newt scores were.

"Jillian MacDougal," he began. "For the first six years of her time at Hogwarts has been averaging O's or E's in each class. She seemed to really find her potential during her 5th year. She has served as an assistant for Dark Arts Beginner. She has taught and assisted with Dark Arts Intermediate. She will also serve as Slytherin's 7th year Prefect."

He nodded as he considered.

"An impressive resume for certain!"

Then he looked up with a flash of eyes. "Now, Regina Fawley, she has never had a grade below an O. Her marks have surpassed the Mudblood, Hermione Granger who had been touted as the greatest witch of her age. Several Hogwarts Professors declare that title to now be yours, Miss Fawley. Since 3rd year she has served as an assistant for the Dark Arts Beginner class. In 5th year she took over the class. She was offered in 6th year to teach the Intermediate class, but wished to keep the Beginner class. Slytherin Prefect for 5th and 6th year. In 5th year as a Prefect, received a Special Reward for Services to the School, stopping injury to students in the Great Hall. Now, named Head Girl for Hogwarts in her 7th year."

He looked from one girl to the other for several moments.

"I have spoken to Lord Malfoy regarding future employment for both of you. There are a few things to consider. The sky would be the limit for wherever you could serve in our world. Bellatrix covets both of you in her strike force, but I believe that while you would each delight in the work that your potential would not be reached there."

He looked around the room as if inspiration was found inside.

"I feel that both of you could move quickly through the ranks of the Ministry. You would serve our cause well here. However, your duties to your spouses to bring heirs to your families is heavily weighted here. Especially to Miss Fawley. If you marry Draco, you will need to produce heirs for Malfoy and Black along with the Fawley line. Jillian you would only need an heir for the Zabini line."

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