Chapter Eighteen

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At exactly, 10:45, Regina stepped out of bed, wearing her green lingerie. She quietly pulled the robe off its hanger and pulled her mask out of the sleeve. She quietly disillusioned herself using the Dark spell she had learned. This spell did not leave a little ripple in the light. It used the shadow rather than the light. So, it was easier to hide herself. She put on her dark black robe and her plain white mask and walked out of the room. She went up the corridor to the Common room. There were a few upper years still milling around playing Wizard's chess. She quietly went to the exit and opened it part way and slipped out unnoticed.

Regina dropped her disillusionment and turned and began her walk up the steps. There were a few upper year Slytherins returning from the library, and both shouted in terror at the terror that she presented walking past them. She gave them no regard as her magic lingered threateningly past the pair – probably coming back from snogging.

She walked up to the Dark Arts room and waited for Draco. A few minutes later, Draco followed her in. The two of them went over the agenda for tonight's meeting and at precisely 11:45, Draco reached along her arm gently, took his wand to her Dark Mark bracelet, and spoke, "Servants of the Dark, come to the Dark Arts room by 12am."

He released her arm and the two of them waited. Within fifteen minutes they came silently, steadily and stealthily gathering in a circle around the two leaders who stood before them. Draco the taller one stood proudly with his robes covering every feature. Regina stood by his side the only thing showing that she was a woman was the fact that she had charmed her fingernails black.

Every invitation had been answered. With a flourish, Regina turned her wand and locked the doors and cast a dark non-eavesdropping spell. Draco flourished his wand to disguise his voice and began to speak.

"Welcome, Junior Death Eaters – " he said as he looked around, and spoke in a quiet raspy voice. "But not yet. We shall give you one chance. If you are uncomfortable or frightened, you may refuse the oath of fealty we ask of you. Once you have been asked, if you refuse, you will turn and leave immediately for your dormitory. You will remove your mask and put it into your robe. Then, following this meeting, we will send a spell that destroys the robe and the bracelet you wear."

Regina stepped forward with her voice also set to rasp like a snake's. "If you choose to remain among us, you will be protected and given great leeway during the year at school. You will have the chances to study the Dark Arts from our Master himself. But you must choose. Serve our Lord well and you will be rewarded. Betray our Lord, and be sure of death –"

Then, Regina walked forward and she stood before Pansy Parkinson. She was certain that Parkinson would sneer at her, but she didn't know if she was sneering at Turpin or another. She just knew that someone was chosen over her for this position.

"Do you offer yourself to our Dark Lord as your Lord and Master?"

Pansy knelt before her. Regina took her arm and touched Pansy's bracelet with her fingers. Pleasure shot through her as she connected to the girl's magic. She placed her wand on the bracelet and said, "Morsmordre." Pansy whimpered at her feet but remained strong. Regina rasped, "Welcome, friend of the Dark."

Regina continued next to Blaise, then Lisa Turpin, continuing with the oldest ones and then moving to the younger ones. She stood before first Azure, then Gale, then Jillian, and then finishing with the youngest among them, carefully cultivating each of them to stay either out of fear or guilt. When she was finished, she took Draco's hand. He continued to speak. By progressing this way, she was confident that no one would refuse.

"During the year, we shall give you missions to accomplish. Do not fail us."

When they were finished, the twenty young Death Eaters turned and left a terrifying spectacle in their masks. Regina nodded at Draco and then turned and left the room for the Slytherin Common Room. She disillusioned herself before opening the door and quietly walked back to her room.

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