Chapter Thirty-One

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Every Hogsmeade weekend soon had Regina and Jillian very busy as well. They like their suitors needed to be present for the adoring press. For Regina Fawley, those Hogsmeade weekends left her warm, wet, and extremely frustrated. Certainly, it seemed Jillian felt the same way. For Draco and Blaise relentlessly teased them with their fine clothes, close proximity, and whispered promises of their lives to come.

Regina's last part of her sixth year continued this way. School, studies, dates at Hogsmeade, rendezvous in their shared bed late at night, the Junior Death Eaters and they certainly could not forget their baby beneath the basement of Hogwarts. They couldn't seem to find enough rats or even Muggles to sate its hunger.

Despite the busy lives of a Hogwarts student, and certain expectations for the two of them, they survived to the end of the year. Regina kept her position as top student in her class. With a quiet week to enjoy the grounds after every test and essay was completed, Regina found herself summoned to the Headmaster's study.

When she arrived at the Gargoyles, a place where Harry Potter had been much more often than Regina Fawley, she whispered the password that gave her access anytime she had wanted it,

"Asphodel –"

The gargoyle opened up revealing the long winding staircase up. At the top was Headmaster Severus Snape behind his desk.

"Please have a seat, Miss Fawley –" he said with a gracious swoop of his hand.

"I have made the announcement to the current staff that you will be made Head Girl for seventh year," he said with a smile. "I don't believe you should be surprised."

Regina still flushed warmly at the honor.

"I am happy to receive the honor, Headmaster." She said quietly. "I did not want to presume to have the position, but I had dearly hoped."

"Yes," Professor Snape said with a heavy sigh.

"I also believe –" he continued, "Though it shall not be official that Miss MacDougal Fawley will become the Slytherin girl prefect for 7th year with your position."

"I had hoped so for her sake, as well." She replied.

"There is one other thing that I wished to discuss with you," he said.

"Yes, Sir?" she asked.

Professor Snape stood up and with several motions of his hand and powerful dark spells put a heavy ward around the room.

"What I am about to tell you," he said, "I want you to share with no one – "

+ + + +

Regina and Jillian were sitting in their warm blood baths at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. They loved the school, but the two now reveled in the freedom that the Holidays gave them. They had celebrated last night because Jillian had finished Regina's final test and was preparing to take her Dark Arts Newts. They were just about to wrap up and start with their next tasks when they both heard the alarms in Black Manor.

"Interesting –"Regina said.

Jillian chuckled at her lover.

"You always find something dangerous as interesting."

Jillian followed Regina out of the room and each lady with pointed wands removed the excess blood from their bodies and hair and Regina approached the foyer naked as the day. She stood before her table where mail that had harmful magics was placed. A light just above it blinked in several different colors.

"Portkey –" Jillian whispered.

Regina nodded.

"The minute I touch it, I will be taken wherever the sender has prepared for me. I know who it is, but do you?" Regina asked.

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