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Jeongguk turned off his phone and placed it onto the bedside table with shaky hands before grabbing his bowl full of cheap melted chocolate and mushy bananas and spooning in big piles into his mouth. 

Be barely finishes his sugary breakfast before he hears a soft knock at his poster covered bedroom door.

He rolls his eyes and wipes his arm over his mouth to rid himself of chocolate smudges and gets up to see who interrupted his peaceful alone time. He opens the heavy door with a grunt and almost closes it immediately when he sees that his step-mum is standing there with her arms crossed. 

But before the door could shut completely she stuck her sheep wool slippers in between the crack of the door and the wall. 

He sighs loudly and opens it again while rubbing his hand over his face in annoyance. 

"What do you want?" Jeongguk grumbles wanting her to leave as soon as possible.

"Don't use that attitude with me Jeongguk. Now, I have a little job for you today and you can't say no" She voices out confidently. 

"No." Jeongguk says trying to close the door on her again.

"What do you mean 'no'?" She asks, squinting her eyes at him.

"No as in today is my day off and I can do what I want." He huffs.

"Well that's just too bad, you could've earned money from this too. Oh well." She says with a mocking tone. She slowly turns around to leave but Jeongguk puts his hand on her shoulder before she could go.

"Wait, pay me? What type of job are you going to give me?" He asks, dismissing the undertone in her voice.

She smirks and turns around again.

"Well I have this friend and she really needs help with her son.. let's say he's a little too innocent and she really needs someone to educate him on things. And she's willing to pay." She says plucking his large hand off her shoulder, watching it fall back to his side.

Jeongguk thinks for a second, he's been really wanting to get some extra money lately so he could buy things for himself without thinking that he's wasting his hard earned cash. 

"How much is she willing to pay?" He mumbles out, still in thought.

"She said ten dollars an hour for as long as it takes but she said that she can make it higher if you want." She utters while folding her arms over her chest again.

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