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It's early morning and Yoongi is laying on his bed awake, nervous of how he's going to apologize to his mothers.

It makes him want to cry when he recalls everything that had happened yesterday. He didn't mean what he said and he didn't mean to let his anger get the best of him but everything just seemed to happen so quickly that he didn't have time to control himself.

The sun has just started to peek through his curtains and light up his room. He doesn't want morning to come too fast, he's still a little nervous of facing his loving parents.

He knows they won't yell or hurt him but he's never really had to say a serious apology to anyone before, this is all new.

After a few minutes of tossing and turning Yoongi decides to just give up on trying to fall back asleep. It's around 5:30 am but he's already changing out of his pajamas and into a fresh pair of clothes. He quietly tip-toes out of his room and into the shared bathroom to brush his teeth.

While brushing his teeth he thinks of nice to do for his sweet mothers.

Wait. Sweet. I could bake a cake! Yes while they're still sleeping I can bake them a yummy cake! Good thinking Yoongi!!

After he finishes getting himself readying he races down the stairs as silently as he possibly can. He gently steps over the steps he know will squeak and quickly waddles his way into the squeaky clean kitchen.

He gingerly looks around, not quite sure of where to start. Where would I find a recipe book? Maybe the bottom drawer?

Yoongi crouches down and silently slides the drawer open. He digs around and eventually find a cook book fulled to the brim with baking recipes.

Yes!! I was right! I'm so smart! Now let's get started on this amazing cake!

He quickly skims the first cake recipe he finds (which was a chocolate chilli cake) then whizzes around the kitchen grabbing everything he needs to get started. Yoongi plops all the ingredients into the biggest bowl he could find and rapidly mixes it all together, also adding slightly too much spice.

Then he spoons all the mixture into a cake tin and shoves it into the oven. Yoongi proudly puts both of his hands on his waist, happy with what he's done.

Though he didn't notice that half of the mix ended up on himself and all over the once perfectly clean kitchen.

Yoongi wanders around waiting for the timer for the cake to go off. After all that he's feeling a little sleepy but he can't sleep yet, he has to wait until the cake is ready! Though his eyes don't seem to agree with him.

It's 6:05 when the timer goes off. Yoongi peels his eyes back open after having a small nap, he yawns then drags his feet over to the oven.

He's so sleepy he didn't even hear the footsteps coming down the stairs so just continues to take the cake out. He places it on the counter and rubs his eyes.

Just when everything seemed to be going fine he hears a gasp come from the hall. Yoongi's eyes open wide and he turns to face both of his mothers with a blushing face.

 "U-uhm surprise?" 



sorry for the long wait i hope y'all aren't angry with me :(

also sorry for the shitty chapter :(

please vote or comment if you can it makes my day to see people enjoying my story!

constructive criticism is welcomed but no hate please :)

not really edited.

thank you all for being there for me <3

yoonkishi 🍀

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