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After a few minutes of Jimin begging to Jeongguk to let him help his love life Jeongguk finally gives in and helps heave Jimin into his room through the window.

The two teenagers sit on the floor with their legs crossed almost as if like they're attending some pre-teen girls sleepover. 

Jimin scooches closer to Jeongguk with a mischievous grin. "So.. have you done the do with Yoongi yet?"

Jeongguk's eyebrows furrow.

 "Done the what?" His face shows pure confusion.

Jimin's face drops, and he rolls his eyes, they roll so far back Jeongguk was worried they'd get stuck back there.

"Man, Yoongi really has rubbed off on you hasn't he? Anyway, what I meant was have y'all fucked?"

The tallers eyes widen and a bright pink blush colors his cheeks. 

"N-no we haven't, just a few small pecks here and there haha.." Jimin's shoulders also drop, he really wanted to spill some juicy gossip with his best friend but it looks like he'll have to wait a little longer for that.

Jimin sighs, he's not quite sure where to start.

"Have you even told him you like him?" Jeongguk shakes his head slowly to answer Jimin's question.

Jimin just rubs his forehead in frustration.

"Honestly Jeongguk I expected more from you, especially from what I've seen from you in the past."

The taller awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

 "They were different.. I really do have feelings for Yoongi." He says, almost in a whisper.

The shorter coos at Jeongguk and reaches up to squeeze the boys cheeks.

"Aw you're such a big baby! Let Jiminie help with all your love problems!"

Jeongguk swats Jimin's hands away from his face and stares at the floor. What does he have to lose? Maybe Jimin really can help him, I mean he has a boyfriend himself surely he has something up his sleeve to help.

Jeongguk nods.

"O-okay Jimin I'll take your offer, please help me get Yoongi to be my boyfriend."

Jimin claps his hands excitedly but Jeongguk quickly shushes him, reminding the shorter that his parents don't know that he's here.

The two sit in silence for a few moments, waiting to see if anyone comes to see what was going on. Luckily no one seems to take any notice, the two take in a breath of relief.

Jimin ruffles Jeongguk's hair and stands up.

"I better get going but I'll come over tomorrow so we can talk about this more, and make sure to get some sleep!" 

Jeongguk smiles lightly at Jimin and stands up to help Jimin out the window. Once Jimin is outside he waves to the taller and sprints his way down the dark street.

 Jeongguk gently slides the window closed and pulls his curtains across. He falls onto his bed and spreads out his limbs. He huffs and rolls over onto his back and stares at the ceiling.

He hopes Jimin can help because he doesn't think he'll be able to do it by himself. Yoongi just makes him too nervous.

He lays there for a few minutes just thinking, he then turns to look at his clock on the bedside table. It reads 8:43 pm. He's not hungry and he has nothing better to do so he'd might as well just go to sleep.

He tucks himself in and turns off his lamp, he falls asleep thinking of the sweet boy named Yoongi.


just a small filler chapter i hope it's not too disappointing :)

please vote or comment if you can it means a lot to me! also please check out my other books if you haven't already!

constructive criticism is always welcomed but any hateful comments will be deleted.

partly edited.

thank you for reading my stories, you're all amazing <3


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