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When Yoongi and Jeongguk finally wake up from their slumber on the reasonably hard floor the taller groans in pain. 

He feels a weight on his chest and light giggles coming from on top of him.

Jeongguk opens his eyes quickly, trying to ignore the harsh light of the early morning rays. He looks up and instantly remembers that Yoongi fell asleep on him, which of course just the thought made happy butterflies erupt in his grumbling tummy. 

Jeongguk doesn't realize he was smiling until he feels a soft hand petting his dark locks. 

His big doe eyes focus on the boy with the adorable gummy smile playing with his hair. 

"Gukkie you look like a rabbit when you smile! I like bunnies, they're so cute! Just like you" Yoongi coos. 

Jeongguk frowns.

"I'm not cute! I'm strong and manly! You're the cute one here.." He huffs. 

Yoongi rolls his eyes playfully and picks himself off of Jeongguk and onto the floor next to him. 

"I know I'm cute! People tell me all the time! Can I not call you cute too? Does it make you angry? Sorry.." 

Yoongi pouts and hugs onto Jeongguk muscled arm. 

 Jeongguk panics and grabs onto Yoongi's small body and cuddles his face into the boy's hair. 

"No! I'm not mad at you cutie, it's just I work so hard to make people realize I'm not the cute child I once was. You can call me cute if you want, I'm sorry I upset you" 

"It's okay, well I can feel your tummy grumbling on my arm so let's make some breakfast!" 

Yoongi giggles to himself and stands up with a stretch. He skips over to the modern kitchen and takes out some plates. 

While Yoongi is prancing around the kitchen Jeongguk forces himself not to fall back asleep again. He lays there on the floor for a few more seconds before getting to his feet and walking over to sit on one of the wooden chairs at the long dining room table. 

Jeongguk places his elbow on the table and rests his face in his hand. He smiles softly and watches Yoongi hum to himself while making the food, which Jeongguk had no clue what he was making but he was too focused in watching Yoongi he didn't even think to ask. 

Once Yoongi finished what he was making he grins widely and waddles over to the table with a plate in each hand. 

He places one gently in front of Jeongguk on the cold table then sits in his own seat to eat.

Jeongguk eyes the plate and sees eggs on toast with a small bowl of fruit on the side. He grins and nibbles on the food while having small conversations with Yoongi between bites.

They finish rather quickly and Yoongi puts the plates in the sink to be cleaned later. 

Yoongi looks over to Gukkie and pulls out the phone he left in his pocket all night. He takes a small video of the taller and decides to post it on his social media. 



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Yoongi sighs and tucks his phone back into his pocket. He goes upstairs to change while Jeongguk goes into the bathroom. 

By the time they both finish changing Yoongi's mothers where awake and making themselves their own breakfast. 

Jeongguk and Yoongi both thought it would be a good idea to walk around the city so Jeongguk could introduce the boy to a few new things. 

Both boys say goodbye to Yoongi's mothers and leave the house hand in hand. 

Yoongi with bright and curious eyes and Jeongguk with a nervous smile plastered onto his face. 


sorry for the shorter chapter :( 

also i know the story is kind of slow right now but it'll be better soon! i tried editing the best i could, sorry if it's not great 

i'll be updating Soft in a couple of days (just to let those interested know) 

i hope you all have a great 2019! 

if you can please comment and/or vote it encourages me to keep writing for my children uwu 

i love you all <3


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