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Jeongguk thought his cheeks where going to explode from how much they where glowing red at this point.

His tummy was flooding with fluttery butterflies as he walked further into the heavily perfumed store.

He tried grabbing onto Yoongi's slim pale arm multiple times but the small boy always seemed to manage to scamper away behind the racks filled with rather.. skimpy items.

He hears small giggles in the far corner of the store, Jeongguk quickly (and awkwardly) waddles his way over and finds Yoongi looking at a pair of panties with a crotchless bottom. 

I think I'm going to pass out-

"Hey Gukkie, why did they make these with the bum cut out? That's dumb!" Yoongi wheezes towards the taller.

Jeongguk just takes a deep breath and takes them out of the smallers hands and places them on them back on the hanger.

"This is for adults Yoonie, I think we should go-"

"Hi! Can I help you today? Looking to spice things up in bed?" The woman winks and smirks towards the two.

"A-ah no thank you we where just leaving." Jeongguk nervously laughs and pulls the young boy out of the store.

"Gukkie why would I want to make my bed spicy? Wouldn't that hurt?"

"That's not what she meant Bub.. anyway l-let's just go eat something huh?"

Yoongi's eyes brighten at the mention of eating, Jeongguk just smiles and locks fingers with the petite boy once again.

They wander though crowds of people, occasionally Jeongguk shivering at the thought of what his step mother could have bought at that shop. 

He tries to clear his mind and focus on food.

Man, I could really go for some macca's right now.. or maybe some ramen-

He feels a sudden pull on his shirt and sees Yoongi tugging him towards Mcdonald's. Oh hell yeah, I'm surely in love with this boy he knows what a man wants.

They order, Jeongguk with a Big Mac and fries and Yoongi with a happy meal, just when he though the boy couldn't get any more precious.

They vacuum it down at a small (but kinda crusty) table. 

The pale boy finished what he was eating at excitedly rips open the plastic the little toy was wrapped in. Yoongi squeals with delight as he sees a cheap My Little Pony with a comb inside.

He holds it to his chest and waits for Jeongguk to finish nibbling on his fries, Yoongi's eyes filled to the brim with hearts.

The smaller feels his kitten eyes droop, sleepiness taking over his rather weak body. His mothers don't let him out often so this is probably the most exercise he's had in years.

He rests his head on the table, his eyes closing quicker than he anticipated.

Sleep surrounds Yoongi like a cuddly blanket. Little purr like snores came from him as he drifted off in his own little world.

Jeongguk looks up from his food with big eyes when he hears the little sounds.

His heart bursts and he dramatically grasped his chest while cooing at the younger teen. He feels his blood fill with complete adoration for the teen.

Jeongguk ruffles the sleeping boys hair before getting up off his seat and picking Yoongi up in his arms. 


longer chapters are coming soon!

filler chapter for now.. i think, honestly i didn't feel like updating but a whole bunch of fluff filled my brain 

thank you for almost 3k reads! i love all of you bubs <3

please vote or comment if you can

(edited kinda, i'm sort of tired so there might be a few mistakes)


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