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Tonight was the night of the party and Jeongguk felt like his limbs would fall off from how much his body was shaking.

He had called Yoongi the night before to see if the boy would want to be his plus one and unsurprisingly the younger agreed just as quickly as he thought he would.

Oh god I have to sneak Yoongi out of his house, what the hell am I doing? No, no Gguk you'll be fine.. it's a good learning experience? Everything will be fine, maybe, hopefully.

The older thinks of all the possible things that could go wrong while he paces around his room trying to find an outfit that Jimin would actually approve of this time, he didn't want Jimin to pretend he didn't know him like last time.

Meanwhile at Yoongi's the young boy waddles around his room thinking about what you would wear to a place like a party, maybe something with darker colors? Hmm.. how about I look up some clothes people wear to these parties? Yeah! Good idea Yoong!

Yoongi jumps up to his bed from the floor and types up on his little computer 'what to wear at teenager parties'. He stares at the results with wide eyes.

So much skin showing, wow why haven't I tried this before it's so cool!

He smiles wide and skips towards his wardrobe but quickly frowns as he realizes pretty much all his clothing covers up his whole body.

He stares at them for a while then gets an idea.

Where are my scissors?

He looks around in the desk in his room and grabs the pair that were settled in one of his drawers.

Yoongi giggles at himself for thinking of this great idea whilst skipping back to his wardrobe and snatching out a few outfits to.. modify.

He sets them down on the bed and gets to cutting up the clothing pieces so they'd be able to show more skin.

Ggukkie is going to love this I just know it!!

Yoongi's face goes serious as he focuses on styling his outfits, a cut here and a cut there.. maybe a this could be taken off. Perfect!

He puts it on and stands to look in the mirror. He's cropped the only black hoodie he has and made his jeans into.. quite short shorts and forced small rips in them.

It looks just like what my older sissy used to wear! But something is missing.. maybe she left some of her old clothes in her room that I could just borrow!

He quickly sneaks out of his door and into his older sisters room across the hall and shuffles through all her drawers and cupboards.

After a couples minutes of searching he finds some strange looking nets. He remembers his sister wearing them all the time so he slips them on under his shorts and stands with a proud smile.

He slips out of the mildly dusty room and back into his own.

He's already done his hair and tried doing a small bit of makeup with.. a little bit of success so he decides to sit on his bed and wait for his Ggukkie to tap on his window.



i was stuck in a writers block for a while so i apologize for the shitty chapter lmao, also i most likely will be updating cat & dog (previously named soft) tomorrow so keep an eye out for that

mildly edited and constructive criticism is welcomed :)

please vote for comment if you can!

i love y'all so much <3


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