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Now Jeongguk wasn't having the best time either. His step mother is being overly naggy and pushy, his step brother is being more of a whiny brat than usual and his father doesn't give a shit anymore.

All he does all day is study, sleep and eat. Yoongi gave him something to be excited about but now his life is as dull as if used to be.

All he really has to keep him going is the fun memories and the My Little Pony toy Yoongi got from Mcdonald's that he gave decided to give to him. It sits on his bedside drawers and almost mocks him.

He wants to run away, cry, maybe throw a tantrum but he just knows that Yoongi's probably done that for him already. So instead of doing something his just wallows in his own self pity.

He bets if Jimin was here he'd laugh and call him a 'love sick puppy' but he wouldn't be wrong.

Jeongguk is the biggest love sick boy you'll probably ever meet. Every fiber in his body misses the younger, he just wants to give him cuddles and kisses and tell him he's pretty but he can't do that. It hurts him more than he expected, probably more than anyone expected.

He doesn't blame Yoongi's mothers though, he knows they're just trying to protect him but he doesn't think this is the right way to do it.

What will happen when Yoongi is an adult? Will he have to live with his mothers until they're old and wrinkly? He's worried for Yoongi's future but all he can do is sit back and watch, he can't do a thing.

 He rolls over onto his side and groans when he hears a loud knock at his door. He really doesn't want to deal with his families bullshit right now.

"Oi Jeongguk, come out here and help your mother with dinner!" His father yells out through the door, not even bothering to ask if his own son was okay.

"I'm not hungry and how many time do I have to tell you that bitch is not my mother and that brat is not my brother!" Jeongguk yells back to his father, annoyed that his father isn't listening at all.

Jeongguk soon hears heavy footsteps walk away from his door and a female voice whispering 'what an ungrateful shit' from down the hall. He can just feel her glare from his spot on his bed.

But once again he doesn't bother to go do anything about her frustrating behavior, staying away from Yoongi just made him so unmotivated.

Just as he was going to fall asleep and try to have sweet dreams he hears fast knocking at his bedroom window.

His eyebrows furrow and he gets up with stiff limbs. He opens the curtains and sees Jimin standing outside with a large smile and a fast waving hand.

Jeongguk slides the window open and frowns at his overly happy friend.

"What do you want Jimin?" Jimin clasps his little hands together and his eyes glimmer.

"I'm going to help you get Yoongi be your boyfie! Please, please, please let me help you!" Jeongguk rolls his eyes and pokes Jimin in between his eyebrows. 

"I'm not allowed to see Yoongi right now dimwit." 

Jimin shrugs.

"That's not going to stop Jiminie the love expert!"

Jeongguk just groans.


hi and welcome to another shitty chapter lmao

just to let everyone know i only update my books once a week so i'm sorry if you feel like you have to wait a while :( but i do have other books you could read so check those out if you want!

please vote or comment if you can it's lovely to know people are enjoying my writing :))

constructive criticism is welcomed but any hateful comments will be deleted.

not edited(?)

(also cat & dog will be updated tomorrow)

thank you reading my stories, y'all are amazing <3


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