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Yoongi's eyes start to feel heavy as he waits for Jeongguk to tap on his window. He rubs his eyes roughly to try and keep them open until his Gukkie arrives.

Thankfully not long later a small knock can be heard coming from his outside facing window. Light almost beams out of Yoongi's little body as the sleep that was once taking over was now gone.

He bounds up to the closed curtain and slightly aggressively tugs it open where he is met face to face with a shy boy by the name of Jeongguk.

Yoongi squeals inside his head and quietly slides the glass open and slips his body out the small entrance he made.

The smaller slides the window shut again and quickly giggles with pure excitement and grabs onto Jeongguk's hand, tugging the older towards the footpath.

As they walk along the path to the house party Jeongguk's face heats up as he just now sees what Yoongi is wearing.

It makes him nervous.

Where did he get those from? Why can't it say anything? Why can't I stop looking at him? God, he looks so good..

Jeongguk gets lost in his thoughts as he just stares at the smaller with an almost lust driven gaze.

Yoongi feels a gaze on him and he stops in his tracks and turns to face the taller.

"Are you okay Ggukkie?"


"Ggukkie.. um are we almost there? It's getting a bit too dark for my liking.."

"O-oh yeah just another block or so 'til we get there, a-and don't worry I'm okay I-I was just uh- amazed by how good you look haha-"

"Oh I knew you would like it! I'm so, so, so, SO happy you like it I made it myself Gguukie just for you!"

Yoongi's eyes shine bright with joy as they start walking again, a proud feeling in his chest for bringing a light red tint to Jeonnguk's cheeks and ears from just wearing clothes.

Not long after the small conversation they had they find themselves in front of a rather large house with colorful lights and people pouring out of every corner.

Yoongi's body shakes with thrill and Jeongguk's with nervousness.

Jeongguk takes in a deep breath and leads them both inside the loud house.

The first thing that hits them is the striking smell of alcohol, then the sweaty bodies. Jeongguk wants to run out but he lets himself be flung further inside by the now wide eyed Yoongi.

Yoongi hauls them both onto a rather stained beanbag chair that sits next to wall not to far away from all the drunk and dancing teens.

Since the chair was a bit small Yoongi lets his Ggukkie sit on it. But Yoongi looks around the area and gets another idea from the other couples scattered around the house.

He straddles Jeongguk and wraps his slim arms around his neck.

The taller's face heats up once again and he shakily puts his hands on Yoongi's unsurprisingly small waist.

But a loud "JEONGGUK-AH" breaks them out of their love entranced state.

Jeongguk exhales in slight annoyance and turns his head to face a half drunk Jimin.

"Nice date ya got there Gguk! Ni-nice ass he has lend him to me sometime will ya?" Then he staggers back into the crowd leaving both of the boys confused, but only one of them feeling a sudden rush of possessiveness.


this chapter is done but i hate it lol i'm still in a bit of a writers block so um it's still a lil shitty

also if you can please check out my other book cat & dog it's yoonmin :)

mildly edited once again and i welcome constructive criticism!

please vote/comment if you can and remember i love all of you so much <3


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