ONE: The Princess' Arrival

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Helena's small hand held on tightly to her mother's, the two silent on their carriage ride through the Underworld. The young girl looked out of the window, watching the ghost horse-drawn carriage lead them to their destination. Today was the day that Helena had to be sent to the mortal world and the Isle of the Lost. She had recently turned six years old, and the gods decided it was time to go through with what they decided years ago. 

Zeus himself came down from Olympus and to the Underworld to strip Helena of her godhood a few weeks ago. And with her godhood, all of Helena's memories of her time on Olympus and interacting with the other gods also vanished. To Helena, all she ever knew was the Underworld, and the gods and beings that were there. And it hurt Persephone to know that there was a huge piece missing out of her daughter's life and she couldn't even tell Helena for her own safety.

Persephone wiped the tear that fell from her eye as the carriage came to a stop, opening the door and getting out. Helena hesitated for a moment before getting out of the carriage as well, taking her mother's hand. The two were near the main gates to the Underworld on the Walls of Erebos, the shore of the River Styx in the Underworld. 

Helena practically let her mother drag her to the gates, which opened on its own once the queen and princess got near. When the gates opened, they were greeted with the sight of Cerberus guarding the gates. The gigantic, black three-headed rottweiler instantly perked up once he saw Helena and Persephone. Helena was usually happy whenever she visited Cerberus but this was not a happy occasion. 

Helena then yanked her hand out of Persephone's, running forward to wrap her small arms around Cerberus in a tight hug. The queen's eyes softened at the sight of her daughter saying goodbye to their beloved pet. But she wasn't saying goodbye to Cerberus but to the Underworld, the only home she's ever known. 

"I'm going to miss you," Helena mumbled in his fur before reluctantly letting go.

Persephone outstretched her hand, Helena taking her mother's hand in her own once again. The queen and princess were now standing on the shore of the River Styx. Charon, the Spirit of Boundaries and Territories, stood in his ferry that was floating on the infamous river as he usually did. It was Charon's job to carry souls of the newly deceased across the river, which separated the world of the living from the dead. 

But today, Charon would be taking Helena across the River Styx to the mortal world. Neither Hades nor Persephone wanted to send their daughter away, especially to an island full of villains. But they all knew what the consequences would be if they didn't go through with this.

Pain and Panic then appeared, carrying numerous pieces of luggage. The two demons piled their suitcases in Charon's ferry, the reaper of souls rolling his eyes at their behavior.

"See, you have Pain and Panic going with you. Everything will be alright, my darling," Persephone told Helena as she bent down to her level, trying to sound as reassuring as she could while holding back her tears. 

"It's not alright, Mom," Helena muttered with a shake of her head, tears falling from her eyes. She knew that her mother was only trying to be reassuring but things weren't alright. Helena was being forced to leave the only world she's ever known because of the Olympians.

"I know it hurts right now, but it will be alright eventually. And remember that I love you so much, sweetheart," Persephone said, pulling her daughter in for a tight hug and placing a kiss on the little girl's head. 

"Helena," An all too-familiar voice called out, Persephone and Helena turning around to find Hades standing a few feet away. In an instant, the small princess let go of Persephone and ran to her father, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug with the intention of never letting go. 

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