SEVEN: The Seafaring Life

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Helena took off running, pushing past the Isle people that were in her way. The young girl ignored the burning sensation in her feet, pushing herself to keep going even though she had no real destination in mind. The only thing she did know was she had to get as far away from everything as she could. 

When the princess had no more breath in her lungs, she slowly came to a stop once she turned down an alleyway. She then slid her back down the wall and brought up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. The Isle people that entered the alley quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction upon seeing the bright blue flame that was Helena's hair.

The Underworld princess thought back to what happened earlier, despite how much she tried not to. She screwed up, she lost control. In trying to stand up against Mal, Helena only proved that she was no better than the dark fairy. The daughter of Hades retaliated, showing everyone the lows that she would stoop to in order to prove a point that she was something to be afraid of. 

And because of that retaliation, a darker side of Helena was shown. It was a side that was speculated due to her father, but  one that they truly never saw for themselves. And now that they had, they would never forget it. Just as Helena would never forget the look on Carlos' face when he saw her... She was a monster.  

Helena hugged her legs tighter and lowered her head, her eyes burning with the need to cry. She knew that if she was in the Underworld, Persephone would've held her daughter in her arms as she cried and allowed the young girl to get all of her emotions out.  But this was the Isle of the Lost, a place where emotion, especially sadness, would be seen as a weakness. So, Helena blinked away the tears and fiercely rubbed at her eyes, willing herself not to cry. She was so ashamed of herself for becoming the very monster that she hated with a cruel name that would haunt her forever: a villain

"I would never expect to find you out here in the middle of the night like this," said a strong Scottish accent that sounded all too familiar. 

"What do you want, Harry?" grumbled Helena, not bothering to look up as she already knew who it was. 

Harry Hook is the only son of Captain Hook as well as the middle child of the Hook family. He wore a white ripped tank top, a red sleeveless leather coat, black pants with red ripped details and zippers and dark brown boots. He spared no accessories as he wore a black pirate hat with dark golden details, pale feathers and the pirate crew's symbolic pin, a blue headband, a black band, black fingerless gloves, a golden skull ring, red, black and white bracelets, a red belt, a brown skull belt, a dark brown belt with rings, a pocket watch, a sheath for his sword. He also carried with him a hook in one of his hands, one that was given to him by his father. 

Harry prided himself on being wild and unpredictable, off-kilter and a little mad. But despite how insane he seemed to others, Helena saw through it. Ever since meeting on Pirate's Bay all those years ago, the two have become allies over the years. What initially started as Captain Hook's plan for power turned into something that Harry and Helena wanted, and were proud of. They always made time for one another, always made sure to stand by each other no matter what they themselves were going through. They became each other's backbones, a surprising source of comfort and support when there was little of that to be found. 

The son of Captain Hook merely chuckled, "Me? What are you doing out here, darling?"

"How did you even find me?" asked the daughter of Hades since the purpose of her running off was for her to be alone. 

"Your hair is kinda hard to miss, love," Harry replied, extending his hand out. "Now, come on unless you want to stay out here all night."

"That was the plan," Helena grumbled.

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