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Once upon a time, during a time after all the happily ever afters, and perhaps even after the ever-afters after that, the kingdoms were at peace. The villains had been defeated, their evil plans had been foiled, and all was well in the world.

But even with the villains defeated, there were those that thought that the cells and dungeons the villains were held in simply were not enough. Fear began to spread of the villains escaping and getting revenge on all those that crossed them.

The peace and happiness throughout the land had to be maintained, so Adam sought to do something about it. He went to the various kingdoms to gain the support of other royals and nobles for his idea. Adam's idea was simple: All the fairytale lands were to be merged under one crown whose main purpose would be to ensure the people would be safe, joyous and at peace.

Adam was able to gain support for his idea and when he married Belle, the two got elected to become the King and Queen of this new land called "Auradon." And after being crowned King, Adam made his first proclamation to keep his promise of ensuring peace and prosperity.

He gathered all the villains and sidekicks, even bringing some back from the dead, and banished them from Auradon to an island named 'The Isle of the Lost.' And with the help of Fairy Godmother, a barrier covered the Isle that kept all manner of enchantment out of their clutches and made sure they could never escape.

And when the villains had children, their children were to stay in the Isle of the Lost. Because there was no way the descendants of infamous villains could ever be trusted.

But there was one villain kid that was causing quite a commotion not only across Auradon, but in Mount Olympus as well. The mountain was the infamous home of the gods, both major and minor, as well as other creatures and beings found in Greek mythology. And yet, all of Olympus seemed to be talking about one thing.

The only peace that was to be found in Olympus was in Persephone's private chambers. The Queen of the Underworld was tending to her plants while Hecate was reading a book about magic. The door opened and in walked Aphrodite and Hermes, the travel god plopping himself on the couch.

"I'm starting to get a headache," Hermes said, his words muffled as he was laying face first on a pillow.

Hecate, still engrossed in her book, asked, "Are they still arguing?"

Aphrodite nodded, taking a seat on the chair near the couch. "No one will stop talking about it. It's not like we have better things to focus on, like our actual duties and responsibilities perhaps."

Persephone's hand unconsciously went to her belly. Though it was not as evident yet, they could all tell. The Goddess of Springtime was pregnant and she was carrying Hades' child.

"I don't know what good anyone is going to gain from it," Persephone scoffed before taking a seat on the couch next to Hermes.

Aphrodite smiled, "How is my future godchild doing?"

The two goddesses didn't get along in the past. They've had a rocky relationship that consisted of petty arguments, but Persephone and Aphrodite put their disagreements long behind them and slowly became friends. And considering what Persephone was now going through, she would need as many people on her side as she could muster. 

Persephone smiled, "Just fine. Growing more and more each day."

"What are you and Hades going to do?" The Goddess of Beauty asked, only for a scowl to appear on the Underworld Queen's face. "Persephone, I know you don't want to talk about it but you have to."

"I don't see what the big problem is. All this fuss just because I'm carrying Hades' child?" Persephone defended, well knowing that there was a lot more to the situation than she was letting on.

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