NINE: The Unintended Consequences

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Carlos walked around the town square the next day, looking around at the various stalls with what the Isle people were selling. His mother was due to come back home from the Spa tomorrow and his house was still a mess. The de Vil boy practically spent all day yesterday cleaning the house, getting rid of any sign of the party held the night before. But he still needed to find a way to remove the scorch marks off the walls, which he already knew was going to be no easy task. 

Despite what happened that night, there was a small part of Carlos that didn't regret throwing the party. He enjoyed planning the party itself and seeing people enjoy themselves at the event. And he liked even more that Helena was there as he knew that she took a huge leap by attending an event that she normally would've skipped. And it was at that same event that the children of Cruella de Vil and Hades, who both don't avoid parties, ended up having a great time together. But in an instant, it was all ruined and all the fun everyone was having together was nothing more than a distant memory. Why did it all have to go wrong? 

Carlos sighed, feeling the large part of him that was filled with guilt growing each time he thought about that dreadful night. The party was one that he organized and threw at his house. And now that he was looking back at the events leading up to that night, the de Vil boy knew that Helena was right in her suspicions of Mal planning something. But instead of heeding the warnings, the white haired boy avidly planned what he wanted to be the biggest party of the year for someone that did nothing but bully him. He greedily wanted to use the party as a way to climb up the totem pole and it only resulted in the person closest to him getting hurt. Gosh, he was such an idiot. 


The white haired boy snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone calling his name. He turned his head toward the source of this voice and saw Evie running toward him. He was still surprised to see her out and about on the Isle but he was happy for the company. 

"Uh, hey Evie. What are you doing here?" He asked, the blue haired princess joining him at his side. 

"I needed to get out of the house," She replied with a laugh, though there was nothing humorous about the situation. 

The Evil Queen valued beauty and domestic skills above all else. So when Evie returned home from the party only a short while after going, Grimhilde was not happy to find that the dress was torn. Thus, Evie not only had to fix the dress but had to go through the entire processing of getting ready for the entire day while listening to her mother's insistent nagging. Because if Evie had listened to her mother, then this never would've happened in the first place. 

"And I need to make sure that my house is perfect by tomorrow or else I'm toast," Carlos said with a sigh, knowing that the house needed to be spotless before his mother returned home.

"Well, I got nothing better to do and it sounds like you could use the extra hands," Evie suggests, not wanting to return home any time soon.

The de Vil boy shrugged his shoulders, attempting to remain while grateful for the help. "Why not?" The two strolled through the market before the boy asked a strange question, "Do you know how to get rid of scorch marks?"

As the unlikely pair dived into conversations about cleaning supplies and methods, Mal was up on a balcony spray painting. She was focused on her work, using her art as an outlet for her inner turmoil. Mal didn't understand where it all went wrong. It was the perfect plan, using the party as a way to kill two birds with one stone. But in an instant, everything had gone wrong and had drastic consequences that she never saw coming. 

But in an instant, everything had gone wrong. When Mal assumed that her job was done, Helena appeared with bright red hair and eyes that matched her fury. The daughter of Maleficent froze in her spot, feeling the need to run yet remaining where she was and unable to look away.

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