SIXTEEN: Strange, Unwanted Guests

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After their encounter with Mal, Evie, Helena, Jay and Carlos, Harry, Uma, and Gil didn't know what to do. School was something they didn't want to deal with today, which is why they skipped in the first place. And going to work meant having to deal with their parents, and that was something they didn't want to do either. So, the three opted to just wander around the Isle in hopes of finding the least bit interesting.

But eventually, Harry decided to leave to go find Pain and Panic, and tell the two about Helena. The path to Helena's house was a secret and he wasn't about to tell anybody else without her permission. And Gil needed to go back to Legume household or else he would face the full force of his father's anger. 

Now by herself, Uma had found her way to the Lost Revenge. She sat on the deck of the edge near the bowsprit, staring out at the waters beyond. The young sea witch didn't understand much about her heritage or her relation to the sea. The only person that could help her truly understand her family history was Ursula. But Poseidon, Triton, the Olympians, and anything in relation to them were a sore subject for the twice-banished sea witch, even after all the years that passed since her banishment. 

"Something on your mind?" Uma turned around to find Caspian. He was an older man with black hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and green eyes that reminded the young sea witch of the sea. Uma found him sitting in the back of the restaurant one day, and decided to talk to him. At first, the conversation was just to see if he would be a customer that would cause trouble like many of the others. 

But the small talk instigated that day soon became a common practice, which was a surprise for Uma. She doesn't usually talk to the customers for long periods of time, or find them even remotely interesting to do so. But there was something intriguing about Caspian. He was different from the other pirates that were part of Captain Hook's crew. Like any pirate, he was intelligent, adventurous and had all the skills necessary to live a seafaring life and find treasure beyond your wildest dreams. 

But Caspian was a surprisingly gentle person, which was rare to find on the Isle of the Lost. He had a caring, kind and protective nature about him, which showed itself whenever one of the customers caused Uma trouble. And sometimes, Uma would even see him tell stories of his adventuring days to the younger villain kids. It was a miracle that the Isle didn't corrupt him. 

"What are you doing here?" Uma asked before turning back around to face the waters once again. 

"Walking around when I found you here," Caspian answered vaguely before pointing out to the waters ahead. "You feel the sea calling." 

The daughter of Ursula scoffed at the statement, "It's not doing much with this barrier around the place."

"But that doesn't mean that you don't have a connection," The pirate replied before hesitantly adding, "And it might be stronger than you think it is."

"I doubt it."

"Why? Your mother is the witch of the seas, and your grandfather its king."

"What do you know about Poseidon?" 

The question caught Caspian by surprise, which was evident by the way his eyes widened. He then cleared his throat, "Only the stories that I heard at sea during my adventuring days." The pirate then looked at Uma, "Surely you would know more about him than I. You are his granddaughter, after all." 

Caspian tried hide to the shock and nervousness at the sudden interest in Poseidon. He had to remember his roots and his story. He was once part of Captain Hook's crew, spending years living a pirate's life and sailing the seas aboard the great Jolly Roger. But when the crew came to the island, Caspian and a few others decided to no longer follow Captain Hook. He now lived a much simpler life running a small stall like many others on the island, selling whatever he could find to get through the day. This was, of course, met by rejection by his former crew members but Caspian didn't care. He was living the life that he wanted and that was the only thing that mattered. 

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