TWENTY-ONE: Saving the Dynasty

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A day had passed since the shocking meeting of the High Council, and the royal couple couldn't have been more at odds with one another. They had continued their engagements with smiles on their faces, the public none the wiser to the trouble brewing behind closed doors. But anyone in the royal household could tell you that the public's current view of the couple was further from the truth. 

Adam and Belle were trying their hardest to keep their marriage from falling apart. But when they were in the same room (without an engagement), all the two did was argue. Adam believed that Belle should've come to his defense during the High Council meeting, to have spoken up and said something, anything, rather than just sitting there. 

But Belle knew that if she said anything, then Adam wouldn't have liked her response and it would've made things far worse between them. She couldn't have defended him like he wanted, not after all that he's done and refused to do. The High Council meeting only seemed to be the last straw, setting off the time bomb that was ticking away in the background. 

The two were going around in circles, having the same argument over and over. And Ben wanted to be anywhere else but home. The tension in the room whenever the two were together was thick and beyond suffocating. He noticed that they were trying to keep up appearances for his sake, but it disappeared within minutes. 

The prince watched as his mother left the room. They were supposed to be having breakfast together, as a family like they usually did. But Belle quickly grew annoyed at her husband's behavior and decided to leave before they would have an argument in front of their son. 

The young boy shifted in his chair nervously before deciding that it was time for him to leave as well. He began to rise from his chair, only to stop when his father called out to him, "Ben."

The prince turned to look at Adam. "Yes, Dad?" Ben quickly became alarmed, knowing that his father was never really the type to have one-on-one conversations with someone unless they were in trouble. "Sit down, son. Let's talk."

Seeing as he had no other choice, Ben sat back down in chair and tried to remain as calm as he could. "What do you want to talk about?"

Adam cleared his throat, "It's no secret that your mother and I have hit a... rough patch recently. But regardless of how rough they are, these patches are natural in any relationship. And, of course, since we're royal, these patches are going to look a little different than the ordinary person. The crown, its weight and all of its responsibilities, will take a strain on any and all of your relationships, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial. And one day, dear boy, it shall be your turn to wear the crown and you shall be king. Your duty now is the choice of a woman the people will love as a princess and, in due course, as queen." 

Ben chuckled, "Dad, the people love Audrey." 

Adam was well aware of the fact that his son was dating the Aurorian heir. The relationship seemed to be a good one on every level, especially political. It stood to reason that if Audrey became queen, the kingdom of Auroria would gain even more power than they already possessed. Audrey was a natural princess, charming and captivating to all she came across. And while it was clear that she would make a great queen, both Adam and Belle wondered if she was the right person to be Ben's queen.

"It is important you find someone that understands in full the high office that will be thrust upon them the moment they enter a relationship with you. Someone that will take their time to learn the ropes and also hold the ropes on their own, and help you steer this kingdom in the right direction ... But you must also find someone that understands you. Someone that knows what you're thinking, what you need, without ever needing to say it. Someone that brings real joy and happiness to your life. Someone that will love you for who you are, and not for the crown or the title. While it's important that you find someone that will make a good queen, it's also important that you find someone that you love and loves you in return. Do you understand?"

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