TWENTY: Secrets of Royalty

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Adam was practically boiling with rage. He couldn't believe that the spies had failed in their mission to bring back and question the children of Cruella de Vil, Hades, Maleficent, Jafar and the Evil Queen. They didn't find the five villain kids as they were apparently long gone by the time they got there. 

Instead, the spies talked to other children that were there at Goblin Wharf, one of whom was the son of Captain Hook. These children were able to successfully identify them as spies, finding out within minutes that they weren't from the Isle. Then, they were able to find their identification cards that were hidden on their person and confirm that they were agents of the Bureau of Isle Affairs. And to make matters worse, the spies had revealed to the children the purpose of the mission. So, now that there were villain children that knew about the secret mission and its true purpose. 

To say that Adam was pissed would be an understatement. Not only did the spies fail, they had also revealed their mission's true purpose to a group of kids. But the former Beast had to resist entering a fit of rage, forcefully subsiding his boiling anger and pushing the thought into the back of his mind. Because right now, the king had more pressing matters to worry about. A meeting of the High Council was called without much warning or notice. The only information the king had to go on was that there would be a meeting and, of course, Adam and Belle were expected to attend.

Auradon wasn't the large kingdom that it is today. Originally, Auradon was a much smaller kingdom that seemingly vanished after the Enchantress Circe placed the curse on the young Prince Adam and his household. Adam's parents had died shortly after the curse. Adam would've ascended to the throne but due to the nature of the curse, people bypassed the castle and thought that the prince died along with his parents. So, the people had moved on with him. The previously united kingdom had become small villages that each functioned on their own. And it was in one of these villages that Belle was born and raised.

After breaking the curse, Adam had worked hard to reclaim his lands. Of course, there were people that were reluctant to give up their self-governance to go back to serving a monarch. But Adam had worked hard to prove himself to his people, using his knowledge of economics and politics to better the kingdom. He starts funding the local businesses, building proper roadways, and expanding the trade routes within the kingdom. Soon, Auradon is back to the unified kingdom it once was under the rule of his parents.

But with the spread of technology, there is communication with the nearby kingdoms. And soon, Adam and Belle learn of the events in the other kingdoms. They meet and talk to the other monarchs, hearing the terrible stories of abuse and torment that they had to endure at the hand of villains. The villains wreaked havoc across several lands and were responsible for the suffering of countless people. Some were imprisoned, others had perished with their villainy. 

It's after hearing these stories that Adam gets an idea, spending days and nights crafting an alliance that would benefit everyone. He would bring out a new era of peace, prosperity and safety for all if they would be willing to unite under his banner. He then begins approaching the kingdoms, going as far and wide in the known world as he could. Belle is instrumental in the negotiations, fully supporting Adam's plans for peace and safety. 

It took nearly a year of discussion and debates until it showed that the kingdoms were seriously considering this. The proposition is then put to a vote in which all the kingdoms are invited to join and Adam wins in a landslide. With the people seemingly on his side, the heads of the kingdom met with Adam and Belle to write and sign an agreement to confirm the popular vote.

It took some time but the rulers write and agree on an arrangement that works best for everyone. The kingdoms would unite under King Adam's banner in exchange for better trade deals, communication, and protection. With this, some of their political power would be given up but not all of it as each kingdom and its monarch would still keep their individual powers, titles, and sovereignty. Furthermore, all major decisions would be decided by a vote of the High Council of which the heads of each kingdom were automatically a part of. And if need be, each kingdom retains the right to secede from the United States of Auradon.

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