TWO: Birthday Gone Wrong

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Helena had been on the Isle for only a few days. Word had quickly spread around the island that their newest resident was the daughter of Hades and Persephone. Pain and Panic were sent by the Lord and Queen of the Underworld to watch over their daughter. 

Helena had not yet adjusted to the Isle. And to be quite honest, she found herself to be quite lonely here. She didn't have anyone to talk to other than Pain or Panic. She would try to talk to the other Isle people but she was too scared to do so. The people would look at her as she walked by, an expression that was a mixture of fear, anger and curiosity on their faces. 

It was only natural for the Isle people to be curious. After six years of staying in the Underworld, Helena just showed up on the island for whatever reason and was apparently going to be living here from now. Because the more that lived on the Isle meant that there was more people that would claim the limited resources they had for themselves. 

Helena, Pain and Panic were out early in the morning, strolling the market and searching for food to eat. The little girl stayed close to her guardians, watching as the other Isle people used their rusted coins to pay for old, worn out items. And when the shopkeeper wasn't paying attention, Helena noticed people stealing what they wanted and running off before anyone could catch them. 

"Do the people here actually eat that?" Helena asked lowly, staring at the rotten, old food that was being sold. 

"Of course they do," Panic replied. 

"But it's all old, dirty and stuff. It doesn't look anything like the food Mom used to make," Helena countered. 

"Well, this is what we're given, so we've got to make the best of it. It's either that or having a permanent visit to your dad," Pain answered with a chuckle, scowling when his brother slapped him on his arm. "But don't worry, Helena. We can make something for you."

The little girl grimaced, knowing that would much rather eat the Isle food than any those two were going to make. She continued searching for something decent to eat, only to stop when she felt someone tap her shoulder. The Underworld princess turned to see a girl about her age standing in front of her. But this girl had dark blue hair and a sweet smile on her face.

The girl smiled brightly, "I'm Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen."

The Underworld princess looked at her skeptically, "Helena, Hades' and Persephone's daughter."

Evie held out a blue envelope toward Helena, "So, my sixth birthday is coming up in two days and I'm going to be throwing a big party. Everyone on the island is going to be there and I just wanted to invite you." 

Helena glanced down at the invitation before looking back up at Evie, "You don't even know me. Why would you invite me to your birthday party?"

It was an honest question. Helena didn't really know her, she didn't know anyone. Birthday parties are events that you invite your friends and family to, not random strangers. 

"Well, everyone's going to be there, so you're bound to get to know a few people there. And besides, it's going to be a party fit for royalty, so you have to be there."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Evie giggled happily, "Hello? My mom's a queen and your dad's a king, so that makes us both princesses."

Helena was going to refute Evie's statement but then stopped once she thought more about it. Hades is the ruler of the Underworld and Persephone is the Queen. It just was strange for her to think about her parents in that way as she's never done it before. 

"So will you be there?" Evie asked, looking at Helena expectantly. A wide smile then broke out on the face of the blue-haired princess upon seeing the Underworld princess slowly nod her head. 

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