FOUR: A Royal Return

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Helena changed out of her pajamas, pulling on her favorite dark blue high neck crop top and a pair of black skinny jeans. She then carefully put on her fingerless gloves and laced up her black studded combat boots. Lastly, she put her own special touch on the outfit by putting on her signature black studded biker jacket that had her father's signature blue flame surrounding a skull on the back of the jacket. 

Helena then headed to the full body mirror, looking at the young girl that stared back at her. Ten years had passed since Helena was sent to the Isle of the Lost, and the Underworld princess was now sixteen years old. The princess' life had certainly changed since coming to the Isle, and she wasn't sure if it was for the better or worse. She used the years to adjust the island and its people to the best of her abilities, which included getting used to the Isle's rotten food and learning how to lie, steal, and cheat.

Over time, Helena earned the brand of "villain kid." This title came with the expectation from everyone on and off the island to be a great villain like Hades or even worse. And to be quite honest, Helena was good at being a villain. She earned a name for herself in her own right on the island. She radiated fear and intimidated like no other, something which the Isle people assumed could only be passed by her own father. Manipulation and scheming became her forte, skills that resulted in impressive, meticulous plans. 

But Helena didn't want to be a villain. She didn't want to live a life full of treachery, fear, and evil. This wasn't the path she chose to go on, but one she had no choice in the name of survival. But if she had a choice, Helena wouldn't live a life of villainy. Because Helena knew that she wasn't a villain and didn't want to keep pretending as if she was one.

Helena sighed, quickly grabbing her  backpack from the floor before heading out the door. She then walked into the kitchen to find Pain and Panic cooking while wearing their aprons. 

"Morning Helena," Panic called lovingly.

Helena froze in her spot, watching  her guardians attempt to cook, "What are you guys doing?"

"We're making breakfast," Pain announced excitedly, while Helena smiled tightly. 

The last time Pain and Panic were in the kitchen they somehow managed to set the kitchen on fire, and they were in the Underworld. It nearly set Hades off. Persephone thought what the two imps were doing were admirable, so she tried to teach them how to cook. But it was clear that Pain and Panic had their own ways of doing things.

Helena laughed slightly, trying to find a way out of this situation without hurting their feelings, "Aw, you guys. You guys really didn't have to. I could've just grabbed something on the way."

"But we wanted to make sure you had a healthy, hearty breakfast," Pain said, bringing Helena a bowl of whatever they've been making. 

"Wow, guys. This looks... good," Helena stuttered as she took the bowl in her hands and looked down at the food, if she could even call it that. Whatever it was that the two imps made, it certainly wasn't edible.

"Now, eat up. You have a big day at school today," Panic responded, him and his brother diving into the food not even a second later. 

"Oh, wow, won't you look at the time? I gotta go or else I'll be late," Helena announced, putting the bowl on the counter and rushing out the door. "I'll see you guys later!"

The daughter of Hades sighed before taking the long walk to the main town area. Hades and Persephone had undead workers build the house for Helena far away from the town. They thought it was important for their daughter to get peace and quiet in her life.

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