EIGHT: All the Glory

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Helena, Uma, Gil, and Harry did not move and stared at the pirate now in their restaurant. The infamous Captain James Hook was someone that was feared greatly once just like all the villains on the Isle. But since being imprisoned on the island, he had to leave his adventuring days behind and became the owner of a fishing shop called Hook's Inlet and Shack. He is now also the father of Harriet, Harry, and CJ Hook, the eldest two deciding to leave their father's care. But the pirate was still the arrogant, determined, and menacing pirate that he will always be remembered for.

The former captain of the Jolly Roger had dark brown hair and blue eyes, which Harry seemed to inherit. He wore a red embroidered waistcoat over a black long-sleeve shirt along with black leather trousers. He wore a leather overcoat with buttons running along the sides over his outfit, and leather boots over his feet. The rings he wore on his fingers created a few pops of color. And of course, his silver hook that was just as famous as he was where his right hand once again.

"What the hell do you want?" Harry questioned, staring at his father and the small group of pirates behind him.

Hook merely scoffed and took a seat at an empty table, "Is that anyway to greet your father?" 

"Answer my question."

"I want my men and I to get a little service around here." Uma shared a knowing look with Harry  and Gil before heading into the kitchen. Hook watched the fearful Isle people sitting nearby and smirked, pleased at the effect his presence was causing.

"The Lost Revenge is fine. That ship is in the best condition it's been in years," Harry began, his father rolling his eyes. "Harriet is still with her crew and CJ-"

"Who said I was here for you?" Hook asked, abruptly cutting his son off. The captain's eyes then fell to the daughter of Hades, the eyes of everyone in the restaurant then falling to her as well. Gil sidestepped closer to Helena, who felt uncomfortable under Hook's gaze. 

Hook then chuckled, seeing the confusion written on Helena's face. "You're the talk of the town, sweetheart. Nearly the entire island is talking about what you did yesterday at Mal's party. And I just came here to revel in the glory of someone finally putting that horned bitch and her little devil child in their place."

"I have no problems with Maleficent. Mal's the one who made a fool of herself by deciding to go after me," Helena answered. 

"While that may be true, it's also false," Hook replied, Uma walking out from the kitchen and serving the older pirate crew. "Mal is still Maleficent's child. No one is going to view Maleficent the same way ever again since it was her daughter that decided to go after you and failed."

Helena had never thought about that. Her only focus at that moment was getting back at Mal that the daughter of Hades didn't think about the damage she could cause. All the villain kids were raised with the ideal that failure was unacceptable, and the only option was winning by whatever means necessary. Mal needlessly went against Helena in what could have been an unprecedented success but only resulted in a huge failure. And now all the island knew about this rather avoidable incident and looked down upon Mal for failing, an action that also brought shame to the great Mistress of All Evil. And there was now way that Maleficent was happy about with what her daughter did and the results. 

"This might very well be the beginning of the end for that dragon bitch," Hook said with a pleased smile, taking a sip of his drink.

Harry watched his father carefully, slowly moving in front of Helena and blocking his view of her. The Hook boy then reached behind and grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Whether his actions were to reassure her or him, he wasn't quite sure. Harry knew what his father was like. Captain Hook wasn't exactly known for being the most sane person on the Isle and dealing with him was almost like walking on a minefield. And all the Hook children knew better than anyone that you had to be careful around him or else he would explode at any given moment.

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