SEVENTEEN: Word of Warning

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Adam prided himself on the idyllic kingdom that was created under his rule. Criminal activity was basically non-existent. Trade between the kingdoms is good. Though the relationships between the various kingdoms could be unpleasant at times, it was nothing that couldn't be solved with a bit of dilpomacy. 

The Kingdom of Auradon was basically perfect.

In the morning, the people were met with blue skies and a shining sun. And at nighttime, sweet dreams would come to them under a glittering night sky. All the people of Auradon slept peacefully at night knowing that anything evil, treacherous and vile was locked away on the Isle of the Lost. 

And it was just another good night's sleep that King Adam and Queen Belle were expecting. They were surprised to have a knock at their bedroom door that awoke them from their slumber. The couple attempted to rid themselves of sleep as the door opened and in walked their majordomo. 

"What is it, Cogsworth?" Adam grumbled out, not too happy to be awoken at such a late hour. Belle sat up in the bed, turning on the lamp on the bedside dresser. She glanced at the time on the clock, seeing that it was indeed in the late hours of the night.  

"Is everything alright?" Belle asked gently, even though they all knew it had to be something important for the majordomo to awake them in the middle of the night. But she could see how nervous Cogsworth was and how he fiddled with his hands in an attempt to calm his nerves. 

After all the years Cogsworth spent in Adam's service, the majordomo knew Adam like the back of his hand. He took his position very seriously and valued the fact that he was Adam's most loyal and trusted servant. As such, Cogsworth knew how Adam got when things didn't go his way, having witnessed first hand just how terrible the king's temper could get. It's why Cogsworth always attempted to keep the peace in the household, despite how many of his colleagues protested his actions. 

And when it came to the latest news that just arrived at the palace, it was easy to imagine the rage that would consume Adam. Some people even suggested not telling Adam to avoid his anger but as the High King of Auradon, the information is something that Adam needed to know. As king, Adam was the only one with the power and authority to solve the potential problem that was brewing. And whether members of his household liked it or not, the news would find its way to the king one way or another. And if Adam found out that they withheld this information from him, it would enrage the king more. 

Due to its high sensitivity, it was Cogsworth that was entrusted to tell Adam and Belle the recent news. He was one of the few people that knew how to deal with Adam's temper and would find a way to disclose the news carefully. 

The former enchanted clock then cleared his throat and began to speak carefully, "Pardon me, Your Majesties, but there is a situation that requires your immediate attention." 

"What is it, Cogsworth?" Adam asked with a slight edge to his voice, wanting the majordomo to get right to the point.

"Are you sure it couldn't wait until the morning?" Belle then questioned. They all knew that Cogsworth would've never awoken them at such a late hour if it wasn't serious. The queen was merely double-checking the severity of the situation. 

Cogsworth seemed to catch on to what Belle was doing. He knew that the moment Adam found out the full story, he would want to keep Belle out of it. But that wasn't a decision for the majordomo to make. Belle was still the queen, and she deserved what was happening in her kingdom. 

"It concerns the Isle of the Lost, ma'am."

The statement instantly got the attention of the king and queen. Adam sighed, "I'll be right there."

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