Home for the Holidays - Part Three

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Jamel was right, I got a lot more attention in college than I could have ever imagined. It was like a different world. My body was no longer viewed as fat and repulsive, but curvy and voluptuous. And I finally understood what Jamel meant when he said he was going to change my name to Coke.

I had no problem attracting a myriad of men on and off campus, but the only man's attention I wanted was thousands of miles away.

Jamel's best friend, Bryan, had been great about showing me around campus and just being there when no one else was. I think he has a slight crush on me too. Whenever I'm around him, he always finds a reason to touch me. I can't say I mind it, he's definitely easy on the eyes, but I thought it might be messy trying to do anything with Jamel's homeboy.

One night I was at Bryan's apartment teaching him how to cook my famous mac and cheese. He was such a bad cook that I literally had to hold his hand while he was stirring, to make sure he didn't toss half the macaroni on the floor.

"Seriously Bryan? You can't stir?"

"I guess I just needed some hands-on attention," he smirked.

"You're so stupid!" I giggled.

"What the fuck y'all doing in here?" Jamel had a clear view of our flirtatious behavior from where he stood at the front door.

"Jamel? Jamel!" I tried to contain how excited I was, but my body took over and I ran to him, throwing my arms tightly around his neck. I looked into his eyes, wanting to kiss him, but not sure if I should. I wouldn't have been able to anyway, he dropped his bags to move my hands from around him.

I tried to ignore his slightly standoffish behavior and continued talking.

"What are you doing back? I thought the program ended in May."

"It does, but I got kicked out for fighting. And before you ask, I don't want to talk about it. Looks like I was interrupting you two anyway," he said snarkly before heading to his room.

Bryan and I continued cooking and atendinner without seeing or hearing a peep out of Jamel. After we finished watching a movie, Bryan turned the TV off and faced me on the couch.

"So, I'm just going to come out and say something I've been wanting to for a while-- I like you Melody. I think you're beautiful and smart and one of the most interesting people I've ever met. You don't have to say anything right now but just think about what I said and let me know how you want to proceed."

"What took you so long to say something?" For a moment I forgot my crabby stepbrother was within earshot.

"I don't know." He looked down at his shirt and started wringing the bottom of it with his hands. "I was nervous and honestly, I didn't know how you or Jamel would feel about my confession. I mean, you are his stepsister. I almost let his reaction to us tonight stop me, but I just felt like I would burst if I didn't tell you now."

I nodded my head at him and he turned the TV back on, seemingly OK with how the conversation went. After another hour or so, Bryan had fallen asleep and was snoring loudly, so I decided to make my exit. As I was finishing up putting the leftovers in the fridge, I saw that familiar light peaking from underneath Jamel's door. It was like his bat signal for me, every time I saw it, I was drawn to him.

This time I didn't knock, I just opened the door.

"Jamel?" He wasn't watching porn this time, unfortunately. He wasn't in the room, but I knew he hadn't left, so I headed to his bathroom, and knocked.


"I just wanted to talk, Jamel," I responded through the door.

"About what?" He said opening it and revealing that he was only wearing a pair of boxers briefs that had my mouth salivating. I didn't know why, but looking at his thick budge had my heart racing.

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