The Suite Life - Chapter 2

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"This is Tyler, baby?"


He kept calling her that. It annoyed him.

Asia nodded up at Jon. "He doesn't look mean." He whispered it to her, but there was no way Jon thought Tyler wouldn't have heard him. They were standing too close to each other. What really bothered Tyler was that him being mean was the first thing Jon said. It signaled two things to him, that she really did feel that way about him and that she was close enough with her boyfriend to share that with him.

"Nice to meet you man. I've heard a lot about you." Jon extended his hand and Tyler took his time returning the gesture. He thought about saying something smart back like, 'wish I could say the same,' but a quick look at Asia changed his mind. He didn't want to make things more awkward between them. He decided it best to wait for the next elevator, allowing the couple to go up alone.

"You good, baby?"

"Of course, I'm with you." She smiled at him as they rode up the elevator and he kissed her, making her momentarily forget the weird situation she'd just escaped.

"I know I keep telling you, but you look good as fuck tonight." She immediately thought about Tyler and how he'd expertly chose this dress for her and felt guilty for some reason.

When they entered the suite and he saw the racks of women's clothing lining the living room, Jon's mouth flew open.

"Whats all this? Shopping spree?" He joked.

"Funny, babe. I guess, kinda?" She shrugged.

"Whatchu mean, kinda? I need to check my bank statement? I'll report all this shit as fraudulent charges."

"You crazy." She shook her head at him and kissed him on the cheek before heading to the bathroom.

He joked about checking his bank statement because he'd given her access to all his bank accounts. He trusted her completely. Their friendship started fifteen years ago and he'd been in love with her for the last ten years of that period. She had a thing for him the first three years, but having a front row seat to his Hoe-lympic days, as she called them, left a bad taste in her mouth. After their junior year of college, she let the idea of them being a thing go. Two years later, he started to realize the pull she had on him. He couldn't be away from her for long.

She was living in Atlanta then and he was at home in DC, but he made sure he saw her at least twice a month. Before he could afford a plane ticket, he rode the bus, sometimes the train to get to her. The 12-hour bus ride gave him plenty of time to think and it donned on him that he loved her, much more and much differently than he loved his other friends. He didn't tell her though. She was in a relationship; then he was, and the cycle kind of continued in that way. The time never seemed right, until they both ended up in L.A. They hadn't lived in the same city since college and he felt like it was their time.

It wasn't.

Not yet at least. They were closer than ever, which in his eyes was the problem. She only saw him as a friend. He'd listen when she'd vent about guys she went out with. How she felt like she'd never find 'the one.' But he didn't speak up. He wanted to plan for the perfect time to tell her how he felt. The time didn't arise until two years later, about three months ago. She seemed so surprised when he told her that he loved her, that he was in love with her—and that he needed her to be his. She was distant for a few weeks but after the initial shock wore off, she came back around. She admitted she had feelings for him a long time ago, but hadn't looked at him like that since then. She also made it clear that she wasn't in love with him, but then, she kissed him.

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