The Arrangement. 2

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Taylor Finks

My parents were really the sweetest people around even though they had adopted me and I wasn't biologically theirs. They hadn't been able to have their own kids unfortunately which is why at the tender age of six, I was welcomed into their lovely warm home.

Most people hardly believe that being as rich as them, as well known as they were meant that they could also be involved in my life. Growing up I wanted for nothing. Every swimming meet, every birthday party, the biggest and smallest holidays, they were there, unless somehow something big happened which wasn't often.

On my 12th birthday, I had my first shift and I had been so terrified they would be mad. It had been painful and I had made a mess of my room. They took two weeks to be able to look at me in the eye. Those two weeks were horrible, i felt like they no longer loved me, that they would deem me a freak and throw me out, but I was so glad they didn't kick me out, or treat me any different.

After that, I got acquainted with a pack of wolves that live nearby and they taught me everything about being a wolf. I wasn't part of them though, but they recognize that I am not a threat to them. To me, my family was my pack and knowing that had my wolf and I content especially since my dad made sure to assert his dominance on me around the second time I shifted. It was hard, but he managed.

So, back to now, my amazing parents. I just broke the news that my mate was Zane Gibson, the man they arranged my marriage with. My mom gapped and dad laughed a most boisterous laugh and slapped his knee.

"Well, this is great news! Now we don't have to go against the contract." Dad said and my mom just stared and her cheeks flushed.

", you have...a him...and two will get married... And have babies?" I felt myself flush as my wolf began to pant excitedly, loving the idea of having pups for our mate. I fanned my face and looked away from my star struck mother.

"Mom," I whined and dad cleared his throat.

"Okay, let's slow down. They haven't even said I do." I looked at him and tilted my head to the side.

"You don't want me to have kids?"

"What? No, it's just." His eyes widened and he froze for a moment. "We didn't think this far." He whispered and I furrowed his brows. "What are you going tell him...about..?" I blinked and sighed knowing where he was going

"I figured I'd let him get to know me first." I slumped my shoulders. "I mean, once we get closer, earn his trust... I could tell him and then...everything will go smoothly." They both looked to one another.

"Is that what you want?" My mom moved to sit beside me. "To break the news once he trusts you." I took a deep breath and gave a nod.

"Yes, that's the plan."

"Well, I guess in two months, you'll be walking down the aisle." My dad blinked. "Do you want to walk down the aisle?" He asked confused and I laughed at him, I had to give him points for trying not to assume that I'll be taking the traditionally female role.

Then my mother took her phone, ready to make preparations on the engagement party for Zane and I. The utter joy in my heart couldn't even be expressed as just as soon, my phone pinged.

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