The Arrangement. 8

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Zane Gibson

I groaned as I woke from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and glanced down at the bed to see the woman I brought to the hotel with me last night. She was on her back, legs up and the bed sheets covered her privates but exposed her arms and legs.

I blinked and got myself a shower because I had a plane to catch. I sighed as the hot water ran down my back. The passed two weeks had been so long that I was really happy to get to go home. I had spent most of my nights with one woman and although she had been great, I couldn't ignore the pang in my chest when I was with her.

Moments we shared...they made me realise how much I missed Taylor and they had me feeling guilty which caused me confusion.

As I showers slim soft arms wrapped around me.

"Good morning." The woman purred into my ear, her hands trailing up my abdomen and I let her despite not wanting us to do anything this morning.

We did more than just kiss.

The airport was thankfully not as crowded as it had been on my way to France.

I dragged my suitcase behind me while I stared at the ground with my shades on. I couldn't stop thinking about Taylor, about how confused I was about him. We had kissed a few times, twice actually and both times were amazing, I had been caught in a daze, one that made me lose time and forget about the world around us. It always had me wrapped around him.

Did this mean something? Was I already falling in love? But I was straight. I couldn't develop any feelings of romantic love towards him... Could I?

"Zane!" I paused and looked up, my breath caught at the sight of him waving with a wide smile. My heart beat faster in my chest and I was tempted to grab it to slow it down. I blinked and swallowed before I made my way over to Taylor.

He had bags under his eyes and he looked a bit pale but otherwise happy. His hazel eyes shining brightly.

"Welcome home!" He laughed and threw his arms around my neck. I let my bag go so I could wrap him in my arms. I found myself inhaling his scent and giving his neck a nuzzle. "I missed you," he tightened his hold as he whispered and I chuckled.

"I missed you too." I told him honestly.

Whatever it was that I was feeling, I needed to figure it out and I needed to fast.

Taylor was moaning and I couldn't stop stating at him.

"Will you stop that?" I asked and rubbed my neck feeling uneasy. My body was warm and my throat was dry at the sound of Taylor's. The shorter man laughed and beamed up at me as he chewed on his cake.

"Stop what?" He moaned again as he took another bite of the sample cake for our wedding.

"Isn't it great!" His mom called,her own sample in hand. We were at the cake tasting with our parents and Taylor was honestly testing me. Every piece he took he let us all know how much he loved it by moaning loudly and making me uncomfortable.

"It is! Oh! Can I have one to go please?"

"Taylor, you'll get sick." I told him plainly and he pouted up at me.

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