The Arrangement. 7

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Taylor Fink's

I sighed and slipped the phone on the table and hugged myself. I had spent about an hour texting my mate and as fun as it was to be talking to him, his news all but spoiled my mood.

"What am I going to do for two weeks without him?" I whined and fell face first into my bed. To think that I was about to be without my mate for the next two weeks had me in a bundle of messy nerves and feelings. Why did business need to take place now? Of all times? Couldn't it just wait?

I was going to miss him too much. Did he even know what this news did to me!?

"This is horrible!" I screamed into the pillow as a heavy feeling settled in my chest from him leaving without me.

I sighed turning my head to the side. I guess this was a test of my restraint. To see how long I could to without him. Such a mean thing to do, I thought rolling onto my back and staring at my ceiling. The Moon goddess sure did hate me.


I smiled at Mrs. Gibson. I was in her kitchen and we were about to make a cake together. Earlier she had invited me over to spend the day with her.

"This is fun," I laughed as I followed her instructions on making a Red velvet cake.

"I used to do this with Zane all the time." I looked over to her.

"Used to?" She smiled sadly at the window.

"Yeah...since we told him about your marriage he kind of just...pulled away from us." I frowned then and began mixing the batter. "He's upset about it and I know it. He's trying though, which I'm glad for." I blinked and pursed my lips,nodding. "Oh, don't worry, he likes you though." I blushed. "It may not be romantic but really, I think it's always better to spend the rest of your life with your best friend than anyone else."

"It sure it." She beamed and squeezed my hand.

"You guys are going to be good together."

With that we finished making the cake and I had the pleasure of seeing Zane's baby pictures. I cooed and gushed with Mrs. Gibson. She gave me an extra album to keep for myself which I was so excited about. I held it to my chest, guarding it carefully and knowing I would most probably sleep with it.

We made dinner just in time for Mr. Gibson to arrive then we had dinner together with light conversation and I found Mr. Gibson had quite the dark sense of humour.

They sent me on my way and I couldn't stop smiling the entire way home.


I pouted at my dad who stared at me sternly.

"Taylor, why must you fuss?" I looked away and sighed. The suit I was in suddenly felt so tight.

"Oh, maybe because I really don't want to do this?" He frowned and sighed, getting up from his chair which soon would be mine.

"Oh, don't worry, it'll only take a few minutes."

"I don't get why I should be there," I whined as he lead me out of his office towards the board room.

"You know you have to, now suck it up." He rolled his eyes and pushed me into the board room.

I sat through an hour and a half of finance reports, and several other reports and I hated it. Honestly, I was no fan of business and I didn't want to inherit my parents company because it wasn't my thing. My real plan was to sell the shares and make someone else the CEO while I become a shareholder without much of a voice, but the thought made me feel bad so I still wasn't sure if I would to through with that plan.

After, I had lunch with my dad and some of the employees then I began filling out paperwork with my dad as he reminded me of what I should know. I fell asleep at some point only to wake up with a sharp pain to my chest. I groaned since it wasn't extreme, just a jolt of sudden pain that dulled once I woke.

It was dark out and my dad was also asleep at his table. I sighed and stood, I woke my dad with a yawn and he groaned about his back before I helped him up and we made our way to the car.

At home I took my laptop and began to Skype with Zane. He looked so tired as he smiled lazily. His hair all messy I shyly tried not to stare once I noticed that he was shirtless.

"Hey," he yawned and his body flexed.

"Hi," I whispered and he laughed.

"How was your day?" He looked off to the side before picking up a pen.

"Oh, you know, busy." I played with my fingers.

"Oh come on, you can do better than that." I chuckled and told him more in detail what I has been up too and he told me about his meetings and his exhaustion.

"You should come home quick then." I said feeling like we had already gotten married and that I was in the home he and I shared. My fantasies were getting too much.

"I really should," he sighed.

"Hey, so, I was thinking...when you get back, I'd like to take you on a date."

"Well aren't you forward." He smirked and I rolled my eye.

"Shut up..." I rubbed my neck. "So, two days after you get back, we'll do something." He gave me a look before wiggling his eye brows.

" I'm curious about this something."

We laughed before we said good night.

I had trouble sleeping that night. My body was shivering and aching and my chest felt like I was getting a minor heart attack. I felt hot as I rolled around trying to breath properly. My wolf was anxious, and it felt like we could be getting sick.

This went on for a week. I struggled for sleep at night and I suffered heavy pangs to the chest. I developed a fever for the first time in years and I spent another week before Zane got back, nursing my fever.

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