The Arrangement. 12

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Taylor Gibson-Finks

The entire day I was on cloud nine. I had Zane's undivided attention and I felt so much care from him and...dare I say, love.

It was surreal even as I stared up at the house we would be calling our own. I felt like I could cry. There was a moment I was reminded that he was only being friendly, that he wasn't in love with me but instead had come to see me as his best friend.

Now, looking at the house, my dream home, I could help wonder. What if?

"What is this?" I sniffed and he slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Our home, you like it?" He rubbed his neck which he did often when he was nervous and unsure.

"I love it," I sobbed then and buried my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. This was honestly the best moment of my life. This right here was true happiness.

"I'm glad." He said into my hair and I felt his lips on my head, sending shivers down my spine. The sparks flew between us and all I wanted was to be with my mate completely. In this moment I wanted too but I knew it wasn't wise, that it wasn't what we agreed. I  smiled nonetheless feeling happy and pulling him along.

The man who drove the limo brought bag out as I hurried to the entrance. Zane took out the key and I grabbed it wanting to open the door.

I was about to step it when my feet were swept from under me. I gasped and hung onto Zane's neck. He smiled as we locked eyes and steppes over the threshold.

"You're cheesy," I whispered and he beamed.

"Only for you." The tip of his nose rubbed against my cheek and I chuckled and  climbed down to look around.

The inside was as beautiful and wooden as the outside. It had a classical woodsy feel while still being modern. I could imagine being so very happy here, so very at home. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind and my eyes widened slightly.

"Beautiful,huh?" He kissed my cheek and hummed before just laying his head in the crook of my neck.

"It is." I laughed. We thanked the man for bringing our bags in and I began hauling them upstairs.

I opened the doors to each room, until I found the main bedroom and finally it was time to ask about sleeping arrangements.

Zane rushed in and jumped onto the bed.

"Ah!" He sighed blissfully and I rolled my eyes looking around. It had a beautiful large bathroom, the usual shower, bathtub, toilet and two sinks. It was very spacious.

"So," I began standing by the closet. "How are we doing this?" I pursed my lips and gasped lightly as Zane was suddenly right behind me, pressing his body into mine. He hummed and  looked around the walking closet.

"I'll take the right, you take the left." I blinked and turned to him. He didn't move and just looked down at me. My eyes wandered to his exposed chest. He had unbuttoned his whole shirt and it looked like something out of a magazine.

He was sexy. My mates was walking temptation. I blinked rapidly and furrowed my brows looking away.

"So like, are you sleeping in here? Should I take a guest bedroom?"

"What?" He laughed and I looked up at him. "Why would you do that?" I rocked back and forth before moving around him. His scent was suddenly so strong, so musky, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't think straight.

"Oh, you know... We are... Marries now and best friends...seems... Inappropriate?"

"Don't be silly. We will both fit on that bed, no need to make a fuss." He was taking off his unbuttoned shirt with his jacket still on.

"I'm not making a fuss, I was asking. You said we should be honest. Always and I needed this cleared up." I sighed and tried to ignore his strip tease. "Are you sure you don't mind sharing the room with me? I mean, I can always take a guest bedroom."

"And then when we have guest stay the night things get awkward? No, may as well get used to sleeping with me." My breath hitched and his pants dropped. He was so toned, I blinked a few times and turned away.

"Sorry," I mumbled feeling like I should.

"Why?" He laughed and his hand was suddenly on my shoulder. I swallowed heavily feeling really hot. "We've shared a bed before, remember?" He smirked and I nodded before grabbing onto the door frame and running out of the room.

I looked around the furnished house and made my way to the kitchen. I panted heavily and fanned my face. I opened the fridge and found bottled water. I grabbed the cool container and stuck it to my face before drinking the substance. I moaned at the feeling of the cold water rushing down my throat and into my system.

"Why is it so hot?" I whined fanning myself and feeling uncomfortable. I could hear the shower running upstairs and I suddenly had no control over my mind. I began imagining him, naked, under a spray of water. Zane would fix his eyes on me and I would arch my back into his touch while water rolled over us. I could see him vividly, his abs coated in moisture, naked. Staring at me as he did the whole of today.

I moaned and widened my eyes looking down at the obvious bulge. I blinked and bit my lip.

"What even is this?" I panted as I suddenly could stop palming myself. I whined slapped my face. I groaned and crouched down. "Breath!" I hissed at myself before taking deep breaths.

I reached for my phone then in my pocket and opened it. I got to my contact list when feet reached my view. Gosh, even his feel were sexy. I held back a moan and my eyes travelled up his legs to his towel. I reached his face which was furrowed.

"What are you doing?" I stood instantly.

"Nothing...uh... I'm gonna shower now." I said nervously and his eyes dropped down. I cursed and ran around him.  "Stupid hormonal man!" I yelled lowly at myself. I stumbled as a sudden wave of heat hit me and I gasped as suddenly my instincts threatened to push through.

I had the strongest urge to mate, to be impregnated and my ass clenched before suddenly it felt wet. My eyes widened since this has never happened before.

"Taylor?" His voice made me shake and I grabbed onto the railing, dropping my phone in the process. I hurried to our room and ran for the bathroom, locking the door, I let out a growl and panted.

I stared at the bathroom and moaned, my penis suddenly growing and I whimpered as the need for relief caught me. I ordered myself to be strong then and said :

"Shower. Now."

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