The Arrangement. 20

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Taylor Gibson-Finks
4 months later...

"So, I want to get a puppy." I widened my eyes and stared at Zane's excited gaze. He was rubbing my feet and I was enjoying it before he said that.

"But we have one on the way!" I said touching my swollen belly and he looked at it.

"It's a baby, not a puppy, there is a difference." I laughed.

"Considering the fact that it'll turn into a wolf one day, it is." Zane glared.

"We are getting a puppy." He said like it was final and I groaned.

"Then you better take care of it, because when this baby comes, I won't be doing everything, I refuse." Zane sighed and out my foot down making me pout because it was sooo good. "Don't stop," I whined but he just laughed and kisses my belly.

"I can't believe we are having a baby." He said nuzzling my baby bump and I smiled.

"It's surreal, huh?" I laughed and he kissed my lips.

"Very. Do you have any names yet?"

"I like Sasha, she'll be bad ass." Zane squinted at me as his hand wandered over my bump to settle between my legs.

"Maybe, I'll let you keep thinking." He said palming my erection and my breath hitched.

"Why don't you just come up with a name instead of asking me, disproving and trying to have sex?" I kicked him and he groaned pressing harder into my erection making me gasp and glare.

"Because you get all worked up and it's fun."

"You're a menace." I chuckled and he kissed my neck.

"You should shift." I huffed exasperated.

"I think you expect too much from me." I pushed his chest and stood with a deep breath. "I won't be shifting until our daughter is born."

"But you're a wolf! You have too!" He followed me.

Zane loved playing with my in my wolf form, it was something he and I never stopped doing. Before I got pregnant we played at least three times a day except when he had work. Since being pregnant, shifting wasn't so easy for me and he just refused to understand. It was ridiculous.

I was beginning to think he loved the animal side of me more than the human side of me. He helped me up the stairs and I huffed and puffed.

"I thought it would be fun..." I mumbled shaking my head. "I'm never getting pregnant again, understood?" I told him with a glare and he laughed.

"Aye aye, captain." He kissed my cheek. "If you won't shift. Can I suck you off now?"

I flushed and groaned.

"I'm afraid of what you would be like if you were a werewolf." He smirked leading me into the bedroom.

"You would be on your 8th pregnancy." My eyes widened.

"Oh, God, no." I laughed and he lead me to the bed, stroking me through my pants.

"Just relax, let daddy take care of you." I flushed at his new nickname for himself before I was drowning in my own orgasm.

He had a very strong libido before he found out I was a werewolf, but four month's ago once he came to terms with it, he never kept his hands off of me. And when he was able to hold back, he asked questions about werewolves which I made sure to explain as much as I could about.

I had even taken him to Gavin's pack and he had his mind blown. He was asking questions about everything and it was honestly adorable to me. Now he knew just about everything and even though he had been very confused about my pregnancy, we managed to get through that as well.

He had asked often how it was possible and spent the better half of a day watching my stomach and wondering what it would look like. Luckily it didn't take two weeks to get used to the idea of a baby growing inside of me.

It did however, worry him about my birthing, cause we wouldn't know what to tell the doctors but luckily the pack doctor had agreed to help, supplying us with all the information we would need and scheduling my caesarian section. Now it was a matter of waiting and hiding from suspecting humans.

My parents knew though, about the baby, and Zane had told his parents about my being a werewolf because of the baby. They were more shocked than him and had tried to get us divorced until Zane told them he would never leave him. They came around. Thank God.

His dad still won't accept that I'm pregnant which is alright, he can believe we had the child through a surrogate, as long as we knew and were happy and he wasn't trying to expose my kind then it was perfect.

"I want chicken." I told Zane panting and naked, he lay beside me watching me with a stupid smile.


"Ice cream." I flushed. "And cucumber." I squinted feeling ridiculous but the combination really had me salivating. Zane laughed and kissed my neck.

"Coming right up." He stood. "Then you have to mark me again, okay?" I blinked and sat up.

"I think you're a freak. Its official." He grinned.

"It's a very nice experience, what can I say." I laughed at my husband and waved him off to go get my food.

Yeah, like was perfectly perfect and I could not be happier.


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