Reservations and Insecurities

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Tw// Q slur, uncensored, reclaimed

   Ryan was convinced that school the next day couldn't have gone slower if it tried.

He tried to pay attention to his hard-working and under payed teachers, he really did, but then lunch came and Ryan was reminded of how excited he was for that night. Like, tempted-to-accompany-his-every-word-with-jazz-hands excited.

  He didn't, but that didn't stop the smiles or the giggles that Chad absolutely adored. The blonds enthusiasm wasn't lost on the others either, even Martha - who wasn't even aware that the others didn't eat together the previous day, due to the dance team that she was trying to create at east high taking up most of her lunches - was aware that something was going on.

However, her, Zeke and Jason were still out of the loop when it came to the date - as was Sharpay, but she wouldn't be caught dead at their mix-matched table of jocks, drama nerds, and regular nerds -, and Martha wasn't even aware of Chad's Queerness whatsoever, so only Troy, Gabriella, and Kelsey were able to knowingly tease the boy.

   And even though Ryan and Chad had talked practically all night last night - something they were both reminded of every time their face suddenly became scrunched up in a yawn, or they were forced to read something, which of course requires yours eyes to stay open -, they still found themselves in the middle of a conversation when the bell rung.

Of course, since we live in the 21st century, this wasn't the end of their discussion. Now, Ryan officially abandoned his mission to pay attention in class, and was instead on mission: text Chad but don't let the teachers see.

  Chad kept asking questions about the date, getting nothing but messages with slightly sexual undertones, such as;

You'll see😉


Mmm wouldn't you like to know😏

The only actual action his questions managed to spur out of the boy, was making him nervously check the last minute reservations he made last night, a couple hundred times. The only reason most of the places were ok with these last minute plans was because he more or may not had name dropped his last name a couple times.

But hey, if your rich dad doesn't approve of you being gay, at least use your relation to him to get you some great deals on your date with a cute boy.

Ryan had always wanted to plan a cute yet elegant night like this, but never got to due to most of his ex's being in the closet, and more or less just being with him for the sex.

  Soon enough, Kelsey was messaging him too, demanding for more details on what he was planning for the date.

The Piano Playing Lesbian: Ok - and don't let what I'm about to say make you think I'm any less dead inside - but that's fucking adorable

The Flamboyant Gay: Don't worry bean, you're just as soulless to me as ever💜and you think?

The Piano Playing Lesbian: Uh?? Yeah?? Like you're basically his sugar daddy but a twink

The Flamboyant Gay: KELS ADSKSJSO

The Piano Playing Lesbian: I'm kidding! I mean kinda. But don't worry, it's still sweet. He's gonna love it, ok star? Don't sweat it💛

Kelsey was a pro at getting people to calm down, probably due to the many (many) panic attacks she had been experiencing since middle school.

Ryan was officially back to being solely excited for the evening, something Chad could relate to.

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