Fell out of Love

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Troy crossed his arms over his chest and shivered slightly.

Though it was late spring, that didn't keep the late night breeze from chilling Troy to his bone. He really should have grabbed a jacket before he left, but to be fair he was trying to get here as quickly as possibly for his best friend.

'Here' being the old basketball court in the park that Chad and him grew up playing in, before the Bolton's had installed their own in their back yard.

It was first nature to the boys to meet up here, it was their place when they were kids and even though they had better places to play ball now, Chad very clearly didn't want to play ball tonight.

Troy was starting to regret hurrying here so fast, as he had been standing in the cold dark for nearly 15 minutes.

Finally, Troy spotted a familiar Afro bouncing toward him.

Chad took one look at the shivering boy before muttering 'dumb ass' and tossing the extra sweatshirt he held to his friend.

"How did you-" Troy started, holding the blue jacket in his hands and staring at it in pure confusion.

"Dude I've known you since Preschool, I'm well-adjusted to your stupidity at this point."

Troy rolled his eyes, slipping and jacket over his arms and zipping it up before sitting next to his friend on one of the cold metal benches that lined the court.

  "So, uh-" Troy was nervous again, he wasn't the best with words and something told him that the things he chose to say would shape how this conversation went in a dramatic way.

"What's been up with you lately, buddy? You seem- I don't know, different."

  Chad chuckled darkly, "Yeah, I feel different too." He glanced at his concerned-looking best friend that sat on his right side and sighed, knowing he had to continue. "I guess the place to start would be the break up-"

"Aha!" Chad jumped, caught off guard by his suddenly excited best friend. "So it is the break up! I knew it!"

  Chad sighed and shook his head, causing his companion's face to fall back into its previous confused state.

"No- er, not really. It's more of the reason why we broke up."

  Ok, now Troy was even more confused. "Didn't you say it's because you guys just kind of- fell out of love?" Chad nodded, face scrunched up in thought.

  "Yeah, we did. I just- I guess the reason why we fell out of love in the first place - or I did at least - was because I had feelings for someone else?" Chad didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but he couldn't help it. He was nervous.

Troy nodded slowly, "Ok- but you don't mean that..."

   Chad's eyes widened, "No! No, I did not cheat on Taylor." He assured the other, and Troy sighed in relief. He loved Chad, but that would be messed up.

"Ok, ok. So you didn't cheat on Taylor, but you did fall for someone else?" The chocolate-skinned wild cat nodded, watching the puzzle pieces fall into place as his best friend started to figure out what he was trying to tell him.

  "And you said earlier that you haven't had time to be with Taylor because of the play..." Chad gulped, this was actually happening. He knew it would be fine, it was Troy after all, he was king of 'breaking the status quo'.

Troy's eyes widened slightly as he realized what this meant, "And unless you and Zeke suddenly both have a thing for Sharpay...." He stole a look at Chad, who was staring at him nervously.



  Chad waited not so patiently for his best friend to continue,

"You like Ryan." Troy stated dumbly. Something in Chad's gut squeezed, both at the blond's name and at the statement itself.

  Chad Danforth had a crush on Ryan Evans.

It was bizarre, except not really.

  Chad knew why he liked Ryan, he was thoughtful and funny and talented and good at taking charge, which - woah, ok, let's not go there.

And Troy was starting to realize that there had always been signs. Chad singing up for the play in the first place, how happy he looked when Gabriella suggested inviting Ryan over to their table for lunch, how he never complained about all the hours him and Ryan spent reciting their lies, the looks the two often shared from opposite sides of the room- it was becoming painfully obvious to the brunet now.

  "Ok, that's okay." Troy said suddenly, interrupting Chad and his mentally fawning over the blond boy in question.

I mean it may be confusing right now, but it doesn't change anything. You were Chad who liked Taylor and now you're Chad who likes Ryan. Either way you're my best friend" Troy grinned and Chad smiled back slightly, still unsure.

  "Unless...." Troy eyed Chad, "You never really like Taylor?"

The other boy shook his head quickly, "No I did! I know I did... but like, what does that make me? I liked a girl and now I like a guy and.... it's confusing, Troy." (A/N: Chad you're sounding a lot like me in freshman year buddy.)

  Troy nodded, "I know, but I'm pretty sure there's a word for that... bisexual I think? Or pansexual? Or are they the same thing?"

Chad shook his head, "No, no, they're different. Ry has said something about this before. Bi means 'both' and pan means 'all'... or something."

  Troy nodded, "Ok, that makes sense... which one fits you?" He looked back at his best friend expectantly, and Chad met his glance, his eyes looking frantically brighter than they had been just moments before.

"I don't really know right now.. I think I'm gonna wait for that part. All I know is that I've like girls in the past, and right now I like Ryan, and I- I don't think he's the first guy I've liked."

  Troy looked surprised, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Chad sounded sure now, "I didn't say anything because I guess I never thought of boys liking other boys.. but there's always been a couple guys that I've liked more than 'just friends' or that I've found..." He trailed off. Troy was being awfully supportive but that didn't mean it wasn't still weird.

   "Attractive?" Troy suggested. Chad nodded hesitantly and Troy laughed, "Dude, don't get awkward on me now. I think we're close enough that you can talk about finding guys hot without it getting uncomfortable." Chad laughed too,

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks bro, seriously."

  Troy grinned wider, "Of course 'bro'." He teased, punching the other lightly in in the shoulder. "Now, for your little Ryan-crush...." Chad's eyes widened,

"Nope! Nopenopenope, you aren't going to say anything, okay Bolton? He probably doesn't like me back anyways."

  Suddenly the conversation Troy had over heard earlier popped back into his mind, and he smirked.

"Wanna bet?"

A/N: Hi okay so I forgot to write one of these on the last chapter bc I was exhausted and totally out of it - which I still am - but I hope the length of this one makes up for the most likely shitty writing. I actually started the last chapter like a week before finishing it but I was having a hard time finding inspiration for it.
Anyways, how long do you think this one should be? I already have an idea for a sequel where they're already dating, based during the second movie, but I have a pretty good idea of how to finish this one up, I just need to know if I should draw it out, or maybe write some chapters after they get together? Idk if that makes sense but yes pls leave some input💙
Love ya gays!🏳️‍🌈


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