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"The bastard says he wants to meet me tonight." said Axky irritably turning up for breakfast. "Made me chase after him for week and now he calls me to talk privately over dinner on a Friday night. All I wanted was to tell him he sucks as an owner to Walt Games. I never asked for a fucking date!"

"It's alright honey," said Paula bracingly. "At least he's finally agreed to meet you."

Vicky nodded sympathetically as she bit into her toast. Gavin Walters was a rather slippery man to get an audience with. The British government had been chasing him for years, but he was always too busy to meet the Prime Minister. Vicky had to wonder what it was that Gavin did for a living that made him so important. Sure he was some kind of a genius who owned Walt Games, she knew that he'd produced several smash hit video-game inspired films, and owned the Walt Amusement parks all over the world.

Okay so this guy was loaded. But this didn't explain why he kept running from meetings with the government and with her dad for that matter. Was he really so busy?

Maybe he had a jam packed schedule, Vicky could believe that...if she found a bit of proof perhaps?

She stuffed the remainder of her toast in her mouth and got up from the table.

"Uncle Jack is taking us to school today, I'll wait by the door." she said.

"Sure honey, don't forget your lunch." said Paula handing Vicky an enormous paper bag.

"Um Mom, don't you think there's too much food in here?" asked Vicky slouching under the sheer weight of the bag.

"Nonsense, a growing girl like you needs her nourishment." said Paula firmly.

Axky laughed. "Hey don't worry Princess your old man is always there to finish off any leftovers."

Vicky smiled. She loved her parents. How lucky she was to have stumbled upon them in her life. But much more than that how lucky she was that they'd wanted her.

She stepped out of the door, gently closing it behind her as her eyes adjusted to the brightness outside. The sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a splendid day.

Maybe she and Levi could plan something for the afternoon. With a sudden lurch in her stomach she realized that she missed him. He'd been really busy with work yesterday and hadn't found time to call. He was probably running late this morning too.

She was glad the summer holidays were coming soon, that way with the Spanish project as an excuse they would have an entire two months completely to themselves. Vicky's eyes glazed over as her little romantic heart conjured up pretty images of love struck dates.

Hey wait. Love struck?


Did she love Levi?

Despite it being a simple question, she found herself without an immediate answer.

Just then a bike rolled up by the driveway, and Uncle Jack took off his helmet to smile at her.

"Hey Vicky," he said merrily. "Hop on."

"Good morning Uncle Jack." said Vicky hurrying along to climb over the motorbike seat. It was a good thing she wore her jeans today. "Where are the twins?"

"You mean the devil's reincarnation?" scoffed Jack handing her a spare black helmet. "They accidentally put a liberal amount of authentic Assamese red chilli powder---the hottest  kind in the world---into our fruit juices this morning. "

He revved up the Harley Davidson, reveling at the hum of the beloved engine as he continued. "Now fortunately Brielle and I wanted coffee so we didn't drink the juice and kept it inside the fridge for later. Our young heroes thought we'd drunk it all and maybe the chilli's weren't hot enough and that's why we weren't screaming bloody murder yet. So they ate a tablespoon of the stuff themselves to check if the chili was really hot or the label was only a bluff."

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