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Levi hated being wrong.

Thankfully, it was a feeling he rarely had to experience.

But this time, the overwhelming emotion that engulfed him was that of just one thing---the realization of being completely mistaken about something.

It was just past five thirty in the morning and Levi hadn't slept a wink last night. Dull morning light streamed in through the parted curtains as Levi finally set down the phone and lay back on his bed. He didn't need to wake up for another three hours at least.

The cell phone was always kept on silent mode as he wasn't alone in his humble home, his mother was asleep in her room just down the hallway.

What ever he did in his room, he made sure she never knew. She'd had a hard life, and Levi would do everything he could to make sure that his mother and he were able to find comfort and happiness soon.

Their past hadn't been rosy and Levi had worked hard to move past it all. Which is why what he'd done last night was so astounding.

What was he thinking flirting with Victoria Fannington? It was obvious he wasn't.

Stupid. That's what he was being.

She was clearly playing him for something. He was annoyed with himself for not seeing it sooner. He had found himself liking her, thank goodness his brain had interfered.

It wasn't as if they would ever amount to anything. Sure she was attractive as hell, but that wasn't all he wanted in a girl.

This begged another question, why was she transferring to Clemondale High anyway? She was rich. Her mother was popular and although it wasn't clear what her father did for a living, it was obvious he made plenty of money. Looking them up on the internet had revealed that they lived in a 2 acre strip of land, in a huge mansion complete with two pools and a tennis court.

She should be studying in private schools in London and Paris and the like and not in some public high school where there were no filters for the kind of kids who could enter. Why did she want to put herself through this knowing full well that she would never fit in?

It was driving him crazy not knowing why she'd sought him out. Could it be that she knew?

He shook his head involuntarily.

No one knew. No one could ever know until he was eighteen.

And then the world would be at his feet.

But now there was the problem called Victoria. She was an uncategorized threat that he had to be wary of. Especially when his stomach lurched and his heartbeat sped up whenever he saw her.

Levi knew all too well about the hazards of falling in love with someone unattainable. He had already had a similar lapse of judgement in the past.

He thought about the last few texts from Victoria, his pulse rate picking up again. Maybe she liked him too, maybe that's why she sought him That was too good to be true. She must have some ulterior motives.

But he felt something when he saw her. He couldn't put a finger on it, but she felt familiar, like she knew everything about him, that he mattered to her. He couldn't recall ever meeting her before, and yet she felt comfortable to be around.

He needed to be careful, because lately everyone he'd let in had broken his heart. Victoria, with her innocent approach, bright eyes and gorgeous, gorgeous smile would easily be able to do that.

Despite the danger she posed to his self esteem, he found himself unable to ignore the tiny light of hope in his chest. Maybe things would be better soon. Maybe, just maybe he could start letting people in again.

He was about to close his eyes to get some much needed sleep, but why the hell was his phone lighting up again?


Victoria dreaded Sunday morning. She had barely slept through the night, her mind saturated with thoughts of Levi and her first brush with any kind of flirtation whatsoever.

In a few hours, it would be time for breakfast and she'd have a lot of explaining to do. Of course her extended family was going to want to know the nitty gritty details about the party.

She didn't know how to break it to them that she was falling for Levi. Hard.

5:45 a.m. Vicky : Hi

5:46 a.m. OMGLevi : Hi

5:46 a.m. Vicky : You're awake?

5: 47 a.m. OMGLevi : Couldn't sleep.

5: 47 a.m.Vicky : Me neither. I kept thinking about last night, I'm sorry I ruined the party for you.

5: 48 a.m. OMGLevi :You didn't ruin it.

5: 48 a.m. Vicky :So any plans for today.

5: 49 a.m. OMGLevi :Yes. I have plans.

5: 49 a.m. OMGLevi :Anyway look, it was nice talking to you. See you at school on Monday.

Vicky stopped. He was usually chatty, but why were his responses so succinct all of a sudden.

A feeling of inexplicable dread filled her again. Was he pushing her away?

5:50 a.m. Vicky : Yes, see you soon.

She glanced at the timetable stuck by her study table. She had every single of the seven classes each day with Levi. He could certainly try to cut her out...but it sure wasn't going to be easy.

After all how can you push someone away, if they were never close to you to begin with?

A/N : Hi everyone!

Levi is now going to start getting really cold and detached. And Vicky is not going to let that happen XD.

Thanks for reading!

I'll have the next chapter up soon.

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