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Paula revved up the engine, determination gleaming in her eyes.

"Mom, it's past one in the morning---" said Vicky locking the door and jogging up to the car.

"That's fine. The secretary will speak to us no matter what time of the day." said Paula firmly as Vicky looked nervously at her watch.

Vicky nodded and climbed into the front seat, and pulling on her seat belt.

Paula immediately pressed the accelerator and they whirled out of the driveway at a frightening speed. As Vicky prayed silently in her head, she couldn't help but wish she had thought to bring her biker's protective helmet too.


Jason and Gary didn't like quiet days in the week. They just weren't fun enough. They couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the new silent treatment and mature reaction (meaning neither Jack nor Brielle scolded them for anything anymore) punishment.

"I broke her vase. Her favourite vase." said Gary almost pulling out his hair in frustration.

"What did Mom say?" asked Jason his eyes wide. Gary really was pushing the limits, everyone knew Brielle loved the vase more than them all.

"She just sighed and told me to go to my room." said Gary looking completely shattered.

Jason hurried up from his half finished painting and patted Gary consolingly on the back. "There there.  She didn't yell even a little bit?"

"NO! It's driving me crazy!" whined Gary. "What kind of a sick punishment is this? Dad didn't even look shocked when we replaced his hairspray with mosquito repellent."

"I know!" agreed Jason looking appalled. "He didn't even flinch when we filled the glove compartment of his car with Jell-O. Gary, this sort of behaviour has to stop. You know, I can't help but wonder if the school psychiatrist has something to do with this."

"Miss Molly?" asked Gary horrified. "But she's so sweet and kind."

"Gary, I know you have a crush on her, but you need to face the facts." said Jason seriously. "November 30th, she meets mom and dad at the parent teacher meeting, and every single day afterwards has been reaction-free and agonizing for us."

"I hate this Jason. Miss Molly was supposed to be an angel. Turns out she's the devil himself. So what should we do?" asked Gary heartbroken.

"We attack at the point they least expect us to." said Jason with a scheming smile.

"You want to prank Miss Molly?" asked Gary looking conflicted.

"We won't harm her Gary, just scare her enough so she stops giving Mom and Dad useful advice." said Jason sagely.

Gary sighed and looked out of the window. "Fine. Let's start with changing her locker password. I know she has a spare key somewhere, but it will be enough to mess with her on Monday."

"Great." said Jason with a yawn. "I think we should go to bed. If mom finds out we're awake...well not that she'll do anything."

"Jason? Isn't that Dad out by the gate?" asked Gary suddenly. Both brothers pressed their noses close to the window and watched their father ride out on his bike.

"Somethings up." said Jason quickly switching off the tiny night lamp. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Gary smirked at his brother. "Sure thing. I'll get our travel kit."


They parked in front of the expensive hotel and rushed to the reception.

"Mom, how will we get in?" asked Vicky looking around at the empty lobby.  A perky male receptionist was filing his nails by his desk.

"Excuse me," started Paula interrupting the young man. He gave her a small smile in greeting and then his mouth fell open in shock.

"You're Paula Fannington!" he exclaimed.  "I absolutely love love love your show! I made your Halloween special for my boyfriend and he proposed to me that very night! Here see the ring, I have pictures of the dinner I made---I follow every recipe you post on Instagram--- anyway we are having the wedding on the 23rd and it would mean so much if you could ---"

"I--well---that's wonderful! I'd love to hear all about it, maybe a while later? " cut in Paula a deep blush covering her cheeks. "Right now, I am here to see a guest named Ashley Bollet."

"Room 403, floor 1, east wing." supplied Vicky helpfully.

The receptionist smiled even wider. "So polite! I can send a message to Ms. Bollet." he said checking his guest list. "Unfortunately will not be able to allow you to go upstairs without an invitation."

"That's fine. Please tell her it's urgent." said Paula.

The man nodded and set about calling a specific number.

"Tell her I'm Axky's wife." interjected Paula as soon as he said Hello.

"Hello Miss. Bollet. Miss Paula Fannington is here to see you. She says she is exec-ees-wipe." he said having slightly misheard over the rings.

There was a slight pause in which Paula debated whether or not she should correct him.

"Yes. Yes. Thank you." he said finally and disconnected the call.

"She invites you to her room." said the receptionist.

No sooner had the words fallen out of his mouth Paula was already there by the elevator. Vicky took a bit longer to realize her Mom had rushed off.

"Hey kid," called the receptionist. "I'm a big fan, could you get me Paula's autograph?"

"Sure." said Vicky with a smile.

"Oh and what is exe-keys-wipe anyway? Is it some sort of culinary genius level? Like a black belt in karate or a grand master in chess---"

Vicky controlled her urge to smile at his innocent words. "Something like that. It's a special tag. I'll make sure I get you your autograph Mr.?"

"Julian Puet." he said with a smile.

"Mr. Julian Puet. Have a great wedding! Bye."


Paula and Vicky pressed the doorbell to room 403 and waited as the keyhole darkened and lightened once more before the door opened to reveal a very sleepy woman wearing a bathrobe.

"Hi." she said tiredly. "You are his wife? Some friend of Axky's just called me a while ago. Said he's missing. Come on in and I'll tell you what I know."

Paula nodded and held Vicky's hand tightly as they entered the dimly lit hotel room.


A/N : Apologies for the filler chapter, I just needed to get everyone at the right place. I know Levi's been missing in action for a while but he makes a return soon (and how *drools*). The next chapter will be pretty action packed. Do stay tuned.

Thanks for reading :)

lots of love,


P.S. Guys, would you be interested in reading a romance novel that I am writing? It's heartwarming, fuzzy and full of love, but the love interests are both male.

I've written a lot of it and was wondering if anyone would want to read it on Wattpad or if I should post it elsewhere or just let it be ... undiscovered?

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